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IoT Bridge for Azure is configured with a configuration file on the filesystem of the Azure VM instance. If you are unfamiliar with how to access the instance see this page for instructions.
After modifying the configuration the application must be restarted. This can be done with the following command.
sudo systemctl restart ibaz
The path to the configuration file is:
Once you open the file, you will see the following options:
# A unique name for this IBAZ instance ibaz_instance_name = name # Domain domain = domain # The tenant ID of the application # This can be found as the 'Tenant ID' in the 'Microsoft Entra ID' section of the Azure Portal tenant_id = tenant_id # The client ID of the application # This is the 'Application (client) ID' of an 'App Registration' in the Azure Portal. It also must be an 'Azure Digital Twins Data Owner' of the Azure Digital Twins instance. app_client_id = app_client_id # The secret value for the AAD application # This is the client sectet associated with the 'Application (client) ID' above. Make sure to specify the actual value of the secret and not the 'ID' of the secret. Also, ensure it is not expired. client_secret = client_secret # ADT Endpoint adt_endpoint = endpoint # MQTT Server definitions. IoT Bridge for Snowflake supports multiple MQTT Servers. Each definition must include and 'index' as shown # below represented by 'X'. The first should begin with 1 and each additional server definition should have an index of 1 greater # than the previous. # mqtt_server_url.X # The MQTT Server URL # mqtt_server_name.X # The MQTT Server name # mqtt_username.X # The MQTT username (if required by the MQTT Server) # mqtt_password.X # The MQTT password (if required by the MQTT Server) # mqtt_keepalive_timeout.X # The MQTT keep-alive timeout in seconds # mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.X # The path to the TLS Certificate Authority certificate chain # mqtt_client_cert_path.X # The path to the TLS certificate # mqtt_client_private_key_path.X # The path to the TLS private key # mqtt_client_private_key_password.X # The TLS private key password # mqtt_verify_hostname.X # Whether or not to verify the hostname against the server certificate # mqtt_client_id.X # The Client ID of the MQTT Client # mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.X # The Sparkplug subscriptions to issue when connecting to the MQTT Server. # By default this is spBv1.0/# but can be scoped more narrowly (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#) # It can also be a comma separated list (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#,spBv1.0/Group2/#) mqtt_server_url.1 = ssl://REPLACE_WITH_MQTT_SERVER_ENDPOINT:8883 mqtt_server_name.1 = My MQTT Server mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.1 = spBv1.0/# #mqtt_keepalive_timeout.1 = 30 #mqtt_verify_hostname.1 = true #mqtt_username.1 = #mqtt_password.1 = #mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.1 = /opt/ibaz/conf/certs/ #mqtt_client_cert_path.1 = /opt/ibaz/conf/certs/ #mqtt_client_private_key_path.1 = /opt/ibaz/conf/certs/ #mqtt_client_private_key_password.1 = #mqtt_client_id.1 = # Whether or not to block auto-rebirth requests #block_auto_rebirth = false # The primary host ID if this is the acting primary host #primary_host_id = # The maximum amount of time (ms) to wait for a Sparkplug BIRTH message to finish processing (default 30 min) #max_birth_processing_time = 108000000 # The amount of time (ms) to wait/delay after a Sparkplug DBIRTH is received to allow for processing birth_processing_wait_time = 100 # The interval (ms) to check if a Sparkplug NBIRTH has finished processing (default 100 ms) #birth_processing_check_interval = 100 # String and character conversion # Note: for space characters use \u00A0 string_convert_0_source = \u00A0 string_convert_0_replacement = _ string_convert_0_regex = false