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Chariot MQTT Server v1 (previous version)
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The instructions below detail Installing, Starting, Stopping and Uninstalling the Chariot MQTT Server. Additionally you can view our installation video.
The Chariot MQTT Server can be installed on the Windows server by following these steps:
From a command prompt, run the Chariot service install script in the directory where the files were unzipped.
From a command prompt, run the Chariot service start script in the directory where the service was installed.
Verify the Chariot service is running. From a command prompt, run the Chariot service status script in the directory where the service was installed.
The status returned will be: INSTALLED, NOT INSTALLED or RUNNING
From a command prompt, run the Chariot service stop script in the directory where the service was installed.
From a command prompt, run the Chariot service uninstall script in the directory where the service was installed.