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Chariot MQTT Server v1 (previous version)
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The instructions below detail Installing, Starting, Stopping and Uninstalling the Chariot MQTT Server.
The Chariot MQTT Server can be installed on the Windows server by following these steps:
Install the Chariot service. From a command prompt, run the Chariot service install script in the directory where the files were unzipped.
From a command prompt, run the Chariot service start script in the directory where the service was installed.
Verify the Chariot service is running. From a command prompt, run the Chariot service status script in the directory where the service was installed.
The status returned will be: INSTALLED, NOT INSTALLED or RUNNING
From a command prompt, run the Chariot service stop script in the directory where the service was installed.
From a command prompt, run the Chariot service uninstall script in the directory where the service was installed.