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  • Install IoT Bridge for Snowflake into your AWS account
    • Before being able to access the Virtual Machine you must have completed the installation process here.
  • Install an MQTT Server configured with a real signed TLS certificate


    This quickstart guide uses the Chariot MQTT Server can be installed as a free trial from the AWS Marketplace.

    Review the Chariot MQTT Server Configuration for details on how to upload the necessary certificates and keys for enabling SSL/TLS


    If you choose not to use Chariot MQTT Server, any Sparkplug compliant MQTT Server will work.

    AWS IoT Core has a message size limit of 128KB and will disconnect the client if it receives a message that exceeds this limit. If you have a large number of UDT definitions/instances and/or have very large UDTs, you will very likely hit this limit when sending your UDTs to AWS IoT Core. Review this document for ways to reduce the message size.


IoT Bridge for Snowflake (IBSNOW) is an application that connects to an MQTT Server (such as Chariot MQTT Server or AWS IoT Core) and consumes MQTT Sparkplug messages from Edge devices.


After all of the scripts have successfully executed, create a new user in Snowflake. This user will be used by IoT Bridge for Snowflake to push data into Snowflake. In the Snowflake Web UI, go to Admin → Users & Roles and then click '+ User' in the upper right hand corner. Give it a username of your choice and a secure password as shown below. For this example we're calling the user IBSNOW_INGEST so we know this user is for ingest purposes. See below for an example and then click 'Create User'.

Force user to change password on first time login must be set to False.

In addition, the user must have a specific role to be able to stream data into Snowflake. Click the newly created user to see the following.


After this has been done successfully you will see the role now associated with the new user as shown below.

Now a an unencrypted key pair must be generated and uploaded to Snowflake. This will be used for authentication by the IoT Bridge for Snowflake application to push data to Snowflake via the Snowflake Streaming API. See this document for details

Attach the generated unencrypted public key to the IBSNOW_INGEST user that we just created for Snowflake ingest purposes.


See this document for details on how to generate this unencrypted key and assign this to a user in your snowflake account:


Note: The step "Configuring the Snowflake Client to User Key Pair Authentication


" in the linked tutorial can be skipped.


The generated key MUST NOT be encrypted

IoT Bridge Setup

With AWS IoT and Snowflake now properly provisioned and IBSNOW installed, IBSNOW must be configured. To configure it, you must be able to access it via SSH. Ensure you can access it via the Access Instructions here. Once you can access it, you must copy the three certificate files you captured when provisioning the AWS IoT Core thing. Again, these files are:

  • UUID.certificate.pem.crt
  • UUID.private.pem.key
  • AmazonRootCA1.pem

On the target EC2 instance, the following directory exists to hold the certificates.



Now copy the three files to the /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs directory. To do this, first copy the files into the tmp folder of the EC2 instance using this command from your local:


scp -i /path/to/your.pem /path/to/your/filename ubuntu@[IP_ADDR]:/tmp/

First you will need access to the Snowflake IoT Bridge EC2 instance via SSH. See this document for information on how to do this.

Configuring the Snowflake properties

Now, modify the file /opt/ibsnow/conf/ file. Set the following:

  • mqtt_server_url
  • mqtt_server_name
    • Give it a meaningful name if desired
  • mqtt_username
    • The username for the MQTT connection if required
    • If using Chariot MQTT Server, the default username is 'admin'
  • mqtt_password
    • The password for the MQTT connection if required
    • If using Chariot MQTT Server, the default password is 'changeme' 
  • primary_host_id
    • Set it to a text string such as 'IamHost'
  • snowflake_streaming_client_name
    • Some text string such as 'MY_CLIENT'
  • snowflake_streaming_table_name
    • This is the staged_sparkplug_raw_table created by the Snowflake setup in SQL Script 02
    • If the default Snowflake setup scripts were used, this is 'SPARKPLUG_RAW'
  • snowflake_notify_db_name
    • This is the cl_bridge_node_db created by the Snowflake setup in SQL Script 06
    • If the default Snowflake setup scripts were used, this is 'cl_bridge_node_db'
  • snowflake_notify_schema_name
  • snowflake_notify_warehouse_name
    • This is the cl_bridge_ingest_wh created by the Snowflake setup in SQL Script 07
    • If the default Snowflake setup scripts were used, this is 'cl_bridge_ingest_wh'

When complete, it should look similar to what is shown below.


If you are using self-signed certificates rather than a real signed certificate, you will need to copy the CA certificate chain file uploaded to your MQTT Server to the bridge instance and set 

  • mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.1
    • This is the filepath to the TLS Certificate Authority certificate chain

Excerpt Include
CLD80:IBSNOW: Snowflake IoT Bridge properties configuration
CLD80:IBSNOW: Snowflake IoT Bridge properties configuration

Configuring the Snowflake streaming profile

Now modify the file /opt/ibsnow/conf/snowflake_streaming_profile.json as described in Setting snowflake_streaming_profile configuration

Next, SSH into the instance:


ssh -i /path/to/your.pem ubuntu@[IP_ADDR]

Finally, move the files from the tmp folder into the destination folder by using this command:


sudo mv /tmp/filename /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/

When done, it should look similar to what is shown below.

Image Removed

Note the files should be owned by root and not readable by other users. To set the ownership and permissions as shown above, run the following commands.

Code Block
sudo chown root:root /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/*
sudo chmod 600 /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/*

Configuring the Snowflake properties

Now, modify the file /opt/ibsnow/conf/ file. Set the following:

  • mqtt_server_url
  • mqtt_server_name
    • Give it a meaningful name such as 'AWS IoT Core Server'
  •  mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path
    • The path to the AWS root CA certificate
  • mqtt_client_cert_path
    • The path to the AWS thing certificiate
  • mqtt_client_private_key_path
    • The path to the AWS thing private key
  • primary_host_id
    • Set it to a text string such as 'IamHost'
  • snowflake_streaming_client_name
    • Some text string such as 'MY_CLIENT'
  • snowflake_streaming_table_name
    • This must be 'SPARKPLUG_RAW' based on the scripts we previously used to provision Snowflake
  • snowflake_notify_db_name
    • This must be 'cl_bridge_node_db' based on the scripts we previously used to provision Snowflake
  • snowflake_notify_schema_name
    • This must be 'stage_db' based on the scripts we previously used to provision Snowflake
  • snowflake_notify_warehouse_name
    • This must be 'cl_bridge_ingest_wh' based on the scripts we previously used to provision Snowflake

When complete, it should look similar to what is shown below.

Code Block
# The IBSNOW instance friendly name. If ommitted, it will become 'IBSNOW-ec2-instance-id'
#ibsnow_instance_name = 

# The Cloud region the IoT Bridge for Snowflake instance is in
# ibsnow_cloud_region = us-east-1

# MQTT Server definitions. IoT Bridge for Snowflake supports multiple MQTT Servers. Each definition must include and 'index' as shown
# below represented by 'X'. The first should begin with 1 and each additional server definition should have an index of 1 greater
# than the previous.
# mqtt_server_url.X                     # The MQTT Server URL
# mqtt_server_name.X                    # The MQTT Server name
# mqtt_username.X                       # The MQTT username (if required by the MQTT Server)
# mqtt_password.X                       # The MQTT password (if required by the MQTT Server)
# mqtt_keepalive_timeout.X              # The MQTT keep-alive timeout in seconds
# mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.X             # The filepath to the TLS Certificate Authority certificate chain
# mqtt_client_cert_path.X               # The filepath to the TLS certificate
# mqtt_client_private_key_path.X        # The filepath to the TLS private key
# mqtt_client_private_key_password.X    # The TLS private key password
# mqtt_verify_hostname.X                # Whether or not to verify the hostname against the server certificate
# mqtt_client_id.X                      # The Client ID of the MQTT Client
# mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.X        # The Sparkplug subscriptions to issue when connecting to the MQTT Server.
					# By default this is spBv1.0/# but can be scoped more narrowly (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#)
                                        # It can also be a comma separated list (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#,spBv1.0/Group2/#)

mqtt_server_url.1 = ssl://
mqtt_server_name.1 = AWS IoT Core Server
mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.1 = spBv1.0/#
#mqtt_keepalive_timeout.1 = 30
#mqtt_verify_hostname.1 = true
#mqtt_username.1 =
#mqtt_password.1 =
mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/AmazonRootCA1.pem
mqtt_client_cert_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/aa839ca9b62a7041aecffe79ddd9922286f12093444be8ac8098c2e1a53d00-certificate.pem.crt
mqtt_client_private_key_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/aa839ca9b62a7041aecffe79ddd9922286f12093444be8ac8098c2e1a53d00-private.pem.key
#mqtt_client_private_key_password.1 =
#mqtt_client_id.1 =

# The Sparkplug sequence reordering timeout in milliseconds
sequence_reordering_timeout = 5000

# Whether or not to block auto-rebirth requests
#block_auto_rebirth = false

# The primary host ID if this is the acting primary host
primary_host_id = IamHost

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom client name for the connection (e.g. MyClient)
snowflake_streaming_client_name = IBSNOWClient

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - The scheme to use for channels and their names
# This MUST be one of the following: STATIC, GROUP_ID, EDGE_ID
# STATIC - means to use a single channel. If using this mode, the snowflake_streaming_channel_name
# GROUP_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID for the channel name on incoming data
# EDGE_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID and the Edge Node ID for the channel name on incoming data
# DEVICE_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID, Edge Node ID, and Device ID for the channel name on incoming data
snowflake_streaming_channel_scheme = EDGE_ID

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom channel name for the connection (e.g. MyChannel)
# If this is left blank/empty, Channel names of the Sparkplug Group ID will be used instead of a single channel
# snowflake_streaming_channel_name =

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - The Table name associated with the Database and Schema already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyTable)
snowflake_streaming_table_name = SPARKPLUG_RAW

# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Database name associated with the connection that is already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyDb)
snowflake_notify_db_name = cl_bridge_node_db

# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Schema name associated with the Database already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. PUBLIC)
snowflake_notify_schema_name = stage_db

# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Warehouse name associated with the notifications already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. PUBLIC)
snowflake_notify_warehouse_name = cl_bridge_ingest_wh

# Whether or not to create and update IBSNOW infomational tracking metrics
# ibsnow_metrics_enabled = true

# The Sparkplug Group ID to use for IBSNOW asset names
ibsnow_metrics_sparkplug_group_id = IBSNOW

# The 'Bridge Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets
ibsnow_metrics_bridge_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = Bridge Info

# The 'Edge Node Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets
ibsnow_metrics_edge_node_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = Edge Node Info

# The 'MQTT Client Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets
ibsnow_metrics_mqtt_client_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = MQTT Client Info

# Whether or not to send notification tasks to Snowflake based on incoming Sparkplug events
snowflake_notify_task_enabled = true

# The number of threads to use for BIRTH handling in Snowflake
# snowflake_notify_task_birth_thread_count = 100

# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving an NBIRTH before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)
snowflake_notify_nbirth_task_delay = 10000

# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving a DBIRTH or DATA message before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)
snowflake_notify_data_task_delay = 5000

Configuring the Snowflake streaming profile

Now modify the file /opt/ibsnow/conf/snowflake_streaming_profile.json as described in Setting snowflake_streaming_profile configuration

When complete, it should look similar to what is shown below.


Excerpt Include
CLD80:IBSNOW: Setting snowflake_streaming_profile configuration
CLD80:IBSNOW: Setting snowflake_streaming_profile configuration

Now the service can be restarted to pick up the new configuration. Do so by running the following command.

sudo systemctl restart ibsnow

At this point, IBSNOW

Now the service can be restarted to pick up the new configuration. Do so by running the following command.

sudo systemctl restart ibsnow

At this point, IBSNOW should connect to AWS IoT Core and be ready to receive MQTT Sparkplug messages. Verify by running the following command.


Code Block
INFO|1998577263/0||23-0406-2129 1520:2919:5232|1520:2919:5232.401932 [Thread-2] INFO  org.eclipse.tahu.mqtt.TahuClient - IBSNOW-79456ef78bc00095-8c909265-4541: Creating the MQTT Client to ssl:// on thread Thread-2
INFO|1998577263/0||23-0406-2129 1520:2919:5533|1520:2919:5533.836275 [MQTT Call: IBSNOW-79456ef78bc00095-8c909265-4541] INFO  org.eclipse.tahu.mqtt.TahuClient - IBSNOW-79456ef78bc00095-8c909265-4541: connect with retry succeeded
INFO|1998577263/0||23-0406-2129 1520:2919:5533|1520:2919:5533.839280 [MQTT Call: IBSNOW-79456ef78bc00095-8c909265-4541] INFO  org.eclipse.tahu.mqtt.TahuClient - IBSNOW-79456ef78bc00095-8c909265-4541: Connected to ssl://
INFO|1998577263/0||23-0406-2129 1520:2919:5633|1520:2919:5633.046294 [Thread-2MQTT Call: IBSNOW-8bc00095-9265-41] INFO  orgo.eclipse.tahu.mqtthost.TahuClientTahuHostCallback - IBSNOW-79456ef7-8c90-45: MQTT Client connected to ssl:// on thread Thread-2

Edge Setup with Ignition and MQTT Transmission

At this point IoT Bridge is configured and ready to receive data. To get data flowing into IBSNOW we'll set up Inductive Automation's Ignition platform along with the MQTT Transmission module from Cirrus Link. Begin by downloading Ignition here.

Installation of Ignition is very straightforward and fast. There is a guide to do so here.

With Ignition installed, MQTT Transmission must be installed as well as a plugin to Ignition. Get MQTT Transmission for your version of Ignition here.

Now use the procedure below to install the MQTT Transmission module.

With Ignition and MQTT Transmission installed, we can configure the MQTT Transmission module to connect to Chariot MQTT Server that we provisioned earlier. Begin by clicking 'Get Designer' in the upper right hand corner of the Ignition Gateway Web UI as shown below.

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This is a offline STATE message from IamHost - correcting with new online STATE message
FINEST|7263/0||23-06-29 20:19:33|20:19:33.297 [MQTT Call: IBSNOW-8bc00095-9265-41] INFO - This is a offline STATE message from IamHost - correcting with new online STATE message
FINEST|7263/0||23-06-29 20:19:33|20:19:33.957 [Thread-2] INFO  org.eclipse.tahu.mqtt.TahuClient - IBSNOW-8bc00095-9265-41: MQTT Client connected to ssl:// on thread Thread-2

Edge Setup with Ignition and MQTT Transmission

Install Ignition and MQTT Transmission module

At this point IoT Bridge is configured and ready to receive data. To get data flowing into IBSNOW we'll set up Inductive Automation's Ignition platform along with the MQTT Transmission module from Cirrus Link.

Installation of Ignition is very straightforward following the instructions in the Installing and Upgrading Ignition guide.

With Ignition installed, the Cirrus Link MQTT Transmission module must be installed as a plugin to Ignition. Follow the instructions in our Module Installation guide

Import UDTs and tags

Launch the Ignition Designer Now launch the Ignition Designer using the Designer Launcher to connect to your Ignition instance.

Review Ignition Designer Launcher for assistance if needed

Once it is launched, navigate to the 'default' tag provider in the Tag Browser. In the image below the , expand the tag tree has been expanded to show see the automatically created example tags.

Image Removed

Begin by deleting these two tags (tags as shown below and delete tags Example Tag and MQTT Quickstart).Image Added

from the Designer Then import these tags IBSNOW_Quickstart_tags.json to MQTT Tags > PLC 1 create a UDT Definition and instance.


At this point, our tags are configured. A UDT definition will map to a model in Snowflake and UDT instances in Ignition will map to Snowflake.

But, before this will happen we need to point MQTT Transmission to the Chariot MQTT Server. To do so, browse back to the Ignition Gateway Web UI and select MQTT Transmission → Settings from the left navigation panel as shown below.Image Removed

Now select the 'Transmitters' tab as shown below.Image Added

Image Removed

Now click the 'edit' button to the right of the 'Example Transmitter'. Scroll down to the 'Convert UDTs' option and uncheck it as shown below. This will also un-grey the 'Publish UDT DefintionsDefinitions' option. Leave it selected as shown below.Image RemovedImage Added

Now switch to the 'Servers' and 'Settings' tab. Delete the existing 'Chariot SCADA' pre-seeded MQTT Server Definition. Then create a new one with the following configuration.

  • Name
    • Chariot MQTT Server
  • URL
  • Username
    • Your username for the Chariot MQTT Server connection
    • If using Chariot MQTT Server, the default username is 'admin'
  • Password
    • Your password for the Chariot MQTT Server connection
    • If using Chariot MQTT Server, the default password is 'changeme'

When complete, you should see something similar to the following. However, the 'Connected' state should show '1 of 1' if everything was configured properly.Image Added

Image Removed

At this point, data should be flowing into Snowflake.

By tailing the log in IBSNOW you should see something similar to what is shown below . This which shows IBSNOW receiving the messages published from Ignition/MQTT Transmission.

When IBSNOW receives the Sparkplug MQTT messages, it creates and updates asset models and assets in Snowflake. The log below is also a useful debugging tool if things don't appear to work as they should.
