
The quickstart will guide you through setting up the EFM ABB Totalflow driver module and configuring the device connection to:

  • Connect to the Totalflow device
  • Auto-discover applications
  • Configure a free-formed Array-Register Template for AGA7 Totalflow application
  • Create a poll group to poll AGA7-1 and SUAGA7-2 applications registers defined in the Array-Register template 

Configuration Steps

There are 12 basic steps to configuring Array-Register template and poll group and getting AAR data from an ABB Totalflow into Ignition

  1. Install the EFM ABB Totalflow Driver Module.
  2. Do not set global Array-Register Definitions.
  3. From the OPC UA Device Connections, create the base device connection to the ABB Totalflow unit. Set 'Auto Setup' configuration options as shown below.
  4. When ABB device connection is established and auto-discovery completed, open the Totalflow Applications Panel and make sure that polling is enabled for AGA7-1 and SUAGA7-2 applications as shown below.
  5. Navigate to the 'Array-Register Templates' panel. This is going to be an empty panel as shown below.
  6. Click the 'Add Row' link to create an Array-Register template for AGA-7 applications. Make sure the 'Totalflow Application' column is set to 'User Defined'.
  7. Click the 'Edit Array-Register Template Content' link and data points by specifying Array #, Register #, Access Type, Data Type, Category, and Tag Name as shown below. Finally, enable data point so that it is added to the poll request. Here is an example of a Array-Register Template for AGA-7 Totalflow applications. This template was created using the PCCU32 application for the data points shown below. This template can be imported to the Array-Register panel instead of adding each data point manually.
  8. After AGA-7 Array-Register template is in place, the final configuration step is to create a poll group for two AGA-7 applications.  To configure a poll group, navigate to the 'Poll Groups' panel. This is going to be an empty panel as shown below:
  9. Click the 'Add Row' link to create poll group entries for AGA-7 and SUAGA-7 applications.
  10. Click the 'Edit Poll Group Content' link to add poll group entries for AGA-7 and SUAGA-7 applications as shown below. Note how both poll group entries use the same AGA-7 Array-Register template, but actual application is selected in the 'Application Name' column. Also note that selecting the 'Application Name' populates the 'Application Slot #'.
  11. To start polling, enable poll group entries, set the scan rate in seconds, and specify the 'Tag Folder Path'. Save twice; first save the poll group entries and than save the whole poll group.  Here is an example of this Poll Group which can be imported to the 'Poll Groups' panel.
  12. Finally copy OPC tags from the OPC Browser (e.g. Ignition OPC UA Server/Devices/[ABB TF G4 Sim]) to the default provider.

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