Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Anchor
    createConfig, props) → void

    • Parameters
      • type (str)
        • The type of configuration to create with valid options:

          • "Cert Files"
          • "IoT Hubs"
          • "IoT EdgeEdges"
          • "IoT CentralCentrals"
          • "Event Hubs"
          • "Agents"
          • "Sets"
      • Map props
        • Dictionary of properties making up the configuration with the following keys and datatypes: → List
    • Parameters
      • type (str)
        • The type of configuration to read with valid options:

          • "General"
          • "Cert Files"
          • "IoT Hubs"
          • "IoT Edge"
          • "IoT Central"
          • "Event Hubs"
          • "Agents"
          • "Sets"
    • Return Value
      • A List of Dictionaries of properties making up the configurations with the following keys and datatypes:
        • General
          • Id (long)

          • Enabled (bool)

        • Cert Files
          • Name (str)

          • FileName (str)

          • FileContents (str)

          • Description (str)

        • IoT Hubs
          • Cert Files
            • Name (str)

            • FileName (str)

            • FileContents (str)

            • Description (str)

          • IoT Hubs
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (bool)

            • Protocol (str) "MQTT"

            • AzureSetId (long)(must be included)

            • CertAuthEnabled (bool)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • MqttHostname (str)

            • DeviceId (str)

            • CaCertFileId (long)

            • ClientCertFileId (long)

            • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

            • ClientKeyPassword (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int)FlushPeriod (long(deprecated 4.0.19)KeepAlive

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge MaxSize (int)(added 4.0.19)
            • FlushPeriod Expiration (long)ContentType

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • KeepAlive (int)

            • MaxSize (int)

            • Expiration (long)

            • ContentType (str) str) "NONE" or "APPLICATION_JSON"

            • ContentEncoding (str) "NONE", "UTF_8", "UTF_16", or "UTF_32"

            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

            • CustomTopicExtension (str)

          • IoT Edges IoT Edge
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (bool)

            • Protocol (str) "MQTT"

            • AzureSetId (long)(must be included)

            • MqttServerUrl (str)

            • CertAuthEnabled (bool)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • CaCertFileId (long)

            • ClientCertFileId (long)

            • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

            • ClientKeyPassword (str)

            • HostnameVerification (bool)

            • MqttHostname (str)

            • DeviceId (str)

            • ModuleIdOption (str) "NONE", "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" or "IGNITION_CONFIG"

            • ModuleId (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int)

            • FlushPeriod (long)

            • (deprecated 4.0.19)

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
            • FlushPeriod (long)

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • KeepAlive (int)

            • MaxSize (int)

            • Expiration (long)

            • ContentType (str) "NONE" or "APPLICATION_JSON"

            • ContentEncoding (str) "NONE", "UTF_8", "UTF_16", or "UTF_32"

            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

            • CustomTopicExtension (str)

          • IoT CentralCentrals
            • Id (Long)
            • Name (str)
            • Enabled (bool)
            • ScopeId (str)
            • EnrollmentGroupSymmetricKey (str)
            • GlobalEndpoint (str)
            • ProvisionedDeviceId (str)
            • ModelId (str)
            • AureSetId (long)(must be included)
            • HistoryEnabled (bool)
            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)
            • MessageCapacity (int)FlushPeriod (long(deprecated 4.0.19)
            • MaximumSize HistoryMaxSize (int)
            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPCOH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"
            Event Hubs
            • (added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
            • FlushPeriod (long)
            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • MaximumSize
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (bool)

            • AzureSetId(long)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory"

            • MessageCapacity (int)

            • FlushPeriod (long)

            • MaxSize (int)
            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCHEPCOH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"
          • Event HubsAgents
            • Id (long)

            • TagProvider Name (str)

            • Enabled (bool)

            • AzureSetId(long)(must be included)

            • ConnectionString TagPath (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType PushTrigger (str) "EVENTIn_DRIVENMemory" or "PERIODICDisk_Backed" TagPacingPeriod (long(added 4.0.17)

            • ConvertUdts MessageCapacity (boolint)PublishUdtDefinitions (bool(deprecated 4.0.19)OptimizeUdts

            • HistoryMaxSize (boolint)AzureSetId (long(added 4.0.22)
            • GroupId HistoryMaxAge (strint)EdgeNodeId (str(added 4.0.19)
            • DeviceId FlushPeriod (strlong)FilteredProperties

            • H2dbPort (strint)
            • Id (long(added 4.0.22)
            • Name MaxSize (strint)

            • Description (str)

            • PushPolicy AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "PUSHLONG_MS_TOSINCE_ALLEPOCH" or "PUSHSTRING_TOAZURE_ANYCOMPAT"

    • Return Value
      • None
          • Agents
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str) (added 4.0.17)
            • Enabled (bool) (added 4.0.17)
            • TagProvider (str)

            • TagPath (str)

            • PushTrigger (str) "EVENT_DRIVEN" or "PERIODIC"

            • TagPacingPeriod (long)

            • ConvertUdts (bool)

            • PublishUdtDefinitions (bool)

            • OptimizeUdts (bool)

            • AzureSetId (long)(must be included)

            • GroupId (str)

            • EdgeNodeId (str)

            • DeviceId (str)

            • FilteredProperties (str)

          • Sets
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Description (str)

            • PushPolicy (str) "

          • AzureSetId (long)

          • CertAuthEnabled (bool)

          • ConnectionString (str)

          • MqttHostname (str)

          • DeviceId (str)

          • CaCertFileId (long)

          • ClientCertFileId (long)

          • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

          • ClientKeyPassword (str)

          • HistoryEnabled (bool)

          • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory"

          • MessageCapacity (int)

          • FlushPeriod (long)

          • KeepAlive (int)

          • MaxSize (int)

          • Expiration (long)

          • ContentType (str) "NONE" or "APPLICATION_JSON"

          • ContentEncoding (str) "NONE", "UTF_8", "UTF_16", or "UTF_32"

          • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

          • CustomTopicExtension (str)

           IoT Edge
            • PUSH_TO_ALL" or "PUSH_TO_ANY"

    • Return Value
      • A map representing the newly created configuration after it has been written to the database. (added 4.0.16)
  • Anchor
    readConfig → List

    • Parameters
      • type (str)
        • The type of configuration to read with valid options:

          • "General"
          • "Cert Files"
          • "IoT Hubs"
          • "IoT Edges"
          • "IoT Centrals"
          • "Event Hubs"
          • "Agents"
          • "Sets"
    • Return Value
      • A List of Dictionaries of properties making up the configurations with the following keys and datatypes:
        • General
          • Id (long)

          • Name Enabled (strbool)

        • Cert Files
          • Enabled Name (str)

          • Protocol FileName (str)

          • FileContents (str)

          • Description (str)

        • IoT Hubs
          • Id (long)

          • Name (str)

          • Enabled (str)

          • Protocol (str) "MQTT"

          • AzureSetId (long)

          • CertAuthEnabled (bool)

          • ConnectionString MqttServerUrl (str)

          • CertAuthEnabled MqttHostname (boolstr)

          • ConnectionString DeviceId (str)

          • CaCertFileId (long)

          • ClientCertFileId (long)

          • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

          • ClientKeyPassword (str)

          • HostnameVerification HistoryEnabled (bool)

          • MqttHostname HistoryStoreType (str)

          • DeviceId (str)

          • ModuleIdOption (str) "NONE", "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" or "IGNITION_CONFIG"

          • ModuleId (str)

          • HistoryEnabled (bool)

          • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory"

          • MessageCapacity (int)

          • FlushPeriod (long)

          • "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

          • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

          • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
          • FlushPeriod (long)

          • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • KeepAlive (int)KeepAlive (int)

          • MaxSize (int)

          • Expiration (long)

          • ContentType (str) "NONE" or "APPLICATION_JSON"

          • ContentEncoding (str) "NONE", "UTF_8", "UTF_16", or "UTF_32"

          • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

          • CustomTopicExtension (str)

          IoT Central
        •  IoT Edges
          • Id (long)

          • Name (str)

          • Enabled (



          • Protocol (str) "MQTT"

          • AzureSetId (



          • GlobalEndpoint

            MqttServerUrl (str)

          • CertAuthEnabled (



          • ModelId

            ConnectionString (str)

          • CaCertFileId (



          • ClientCertFileId (long)

          • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long

            HistoryEnabled (bool


          • HistoryStoreType

            ClientKeyPassword (str)


          • MessageCapacity

            HostnameVerification (



          • FlushPeriod

            MqttHostname (



          • MaximumSize

            DeviceId (



          • AzureDateTimeFormat

            ModuleIdOption (str) "NONE", "


            ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" or "





          Event Hubs
          • Id (longModuleId (str)

          • Name (str)

          • Enabled (str)

          • ConnectionString (str)

          • HistoryEnabled (bool)

          • HistoryEnabled (bool)

          • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

          • MessageCapacity (int)FlushPeriod (long(deprecated 4.0.19)MaxSize

          • HistoryMaxSize (int)
          • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

          • (added 4.0.22)
          • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
          • FlushPeriod

          • Id (long)TagProvider (str

          • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • TagPath KeepAlive (strint)

          • PushTrigger MaxSize (str) "EVENT_DRIVEN" or "PERIODIC"int)

          • Expiration TagPacingPeriod (long)

          • ConvertUdts (bool)

          • PublishUdtDefinitions (bool)

          • OptimizeUdts (bool)

          • AzureSetId (long)

          • GroupId (str)

          • EdgeNodeId (str)

          • DeviceId (str)

          • FilteredProperties (str)

          • ContentType (str) "NONE" or "APPLICATION_JSON"

          • ContentEncoding (str) "NONE", "UTF_8", "UTF_16", or "UTF_32"

          • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

          • CustomTopicExtension (str)

        • IoT CentralsSets
          • Id (long)
          • Name (str)
          • Enabled (bool)
          • Description ScopeId (str)
          • PushPolicy EnrollmentGroupSymmetricKey (str) "PUSH_TO_ALL" or "PUSH_TO_ANY"
          • GlobalEndpoint (str)
          • ProvisionedDeviceId (str)
          • ModelId (str)
          • AzureSetId (str)
          • HistoryEnabled (bool)
          • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)
          • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)
          • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
          • FlushPeriod (long)
          • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • MaximumSize (int)
          • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCK" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"
        • Event Hubs
          • Id (long)

          • Name (str)

          • Enabled (str)

          • ConnectionString (str)

          • HistoryEnabled (bool)

          • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

          • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

          • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
          • FlushPeriod (long)

          • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • MaxSize (int)

          • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

        • Agents
          • Id (long)

          • Name (str) (added 4.0.17)
          • Enabled (bool) (added 4.0.17)
          • TagProvider (str)

          • TagPath (str)

          • PushTrigger (str) "EVENT_DRIVEN" or "PERIODIC"

          • TagPacingPeriod (long)

          • ConvertUdts (bool)

          • PublishUdtDefinitions (bool)

          • OptimizeUdts (bool)

          • AzureSetId (long)

          • GroupId (str)

          • EdgeNodeId (str)

          • DeviceId (str)

          • FilteredProperties (str)

        • Sets
          • Id (long)

          • Name (str)

          • Description (str)

          • PushPolicy (str) "PUSH_TO_ALL" or "PUSH_TO_ANY"

  • Anchor
    updateConfig, id, collisionPolicy, props) → void
    • Parameters
      • Type (str)
        • The type of configuration to update with valid options:

          • "General"
          • "Cert Files"
          • "IoT Hubs"
          • "IoT Edges"
          • "IoT Centrals"
          • "Event Hubs"
          • "Agents"
          • "Sets"
      • Id (long)
        • The ID of the record to update
      • collisionPolicy(str)
        • "MergeOverwrite" or "Overwrite"
          • "MergeOverwrite" will replace the existing properties in the record ID with only those included in the call
          • "Overwrite" will replace all properties in the record ID with those in the call
      • Map props
        • Dictionary of properties making up the configuration with the following keys and datatypes:
          • General
            • Id (long)

            • Enabled (bool)

          • Cert Files
            • Name (str)

            • FileName (str)

            • FileContents (str)

            • Description (str)

          • IoT Hubs
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (str)

            • Protocol (str) "MQTT"

            • AzureSetId (long)

            • CertAuthEnabled (bool)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • MqttHostname (str)

            • DeviceId (str)

            • CaCertFileId (long)

            • ClientCertFileId (long)

            • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

            • ClientKeyPassword (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int) (added 4.0.19)
            • FlushPeriod (long)

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • KeepAlive (int)

            • MaxSize (int)

            • Expiration (long)

            • ContentType (str) "NONE" or "APPLICATION_JSON"

            • ContentEncoding (str) "NONE", "UTF_8", "UTF_16", or "UTF_32"

            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

            • CustomTopicExtension (str)

          •  IoT Edges
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (str)

            • Protocol (str) "MQTT"

            • AzureSetId (long)

            • MqttServerUrl (str)

            • CertAuthEnabled (bool)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • CaCertFileId (long)

            • ClientCertFileId (long)

            • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

            • ClientKeyPassword (str)

            • HostnameVerification (bool)

            • MqttHostname (str)

            • DeviceId (str)

            • ModuleIdOption (str) "NONE", "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" or "IGNITION_CONFIG"

            • ModuleId (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
            • FlushPeriod (long)

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22, id, collisionPolicy, props) → void
    • Parameters
      • Type (str)
        • The type of configuration to update with valid options:

          • "General"
          • "Cert Files"
          • "IoT Hubs"
          • "IoT Edge"
          • "IoT Central"
          • "Event Hubs"
          • "Agents"
          • "Sets"
      • Id (long)
        • The ID of the record to update
      • collisionPolicy(str)
        • "MergeOverwrite" or "Overwrite"
          • "MergeOverwrite" will replace the existing properties in the record ID with only those included in the call
          • "Overwrite" will replace all properties in the record ID with those in the call
      • Map props
        • Dictionary of properties making up the configuration with the following keys and datatypes:
          • General
            • Id (long)

            • Enabled (bool)

          • Cert Files
            • Name (str)

            • FileName (str)

            • FileContents (str)

            • Description (str)

          • IoT Hubs
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (str)

            • Protocol (str) "MQTT"

            • AzureSetId (long)

            • CertAuthEnabled (bool)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • MqttHostname (str)

            • DeviceId (str)

            • CaCertFileId (long)

            • ClientCertFileId (long)

            • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

            • ClientKeyPassword (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory"

            • MessageCapacity (int)

            • FlushPeriod (long)

            • KeepAlive (int)

            • MaxSize (int)

            • Expiration (long)

            • ContentType (str) "NONE" or "APPLICATION_JSON"

            • ContentEncoding (str) "NONE", "UTF_8", "UTF_16", or "UTF_32"

            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

            • CustomTopicExtension (str)

          •  IoT Edge
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (str)

            • Protocol (str) "MQTT"

            • AzureSetId (long)

            • MqttServerUrl (str)

            • CertAuthEnabled (bool)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • CaCertFileId (long)

            • ClientCertFileId (long)

            • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

            • ClientKeyPassword (str)

            • HostnameVerification (bool)

            • MqttHostname (str)

            • DeviceId (str)

            • ModuleIdOption (str) "NONE", "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE" or "IGNITION_CONFIG"

            • ModuleId (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory"

            • MessageCapacity (int)

            • FlushPeriod (long)
            • KeepAlive (int)

            • MaxSize (int)

            • Expiration (long)

            • ContentType (str) "NONE" or "APPLICATION_JSON"

            • ContentEncoding (str) "NONE", "UTF_8", "UTF_16", or "UTF_32"

            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

            • CustomTopicExtension (str)

          • IoT CentralCentrals
            • Id (long)
            • Name (str)
            • Enabled (bool)
            • ScopeId (str)
            • EnrollmentGroupSymmetricKey (str)
            • GlobalEndpoint (str)
            • ModelId (str)
            • AzureSetId (long)
            • HistoryEnabled (bool)
            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)
            • ScopeId MessageCapacity (strint)EnrollmentGroupSymmetricKey (str(depreacted 4.0.19)
            • GlobalEndpoint HistoryMaxSize (strint)ModelId (str(added 4.0.22)
            • AzureSetId HistoryMaxAge (longint)HistoryEnabled (bool(added 4.0.19)
            • HistoryStoreType FlushPeriod (strlong) "In_Memory"
            • MessageCapacity H2dbPort (int)FlushPeriod (long(added 4.0.22)
            • MaximumSize (int)
            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"
          • Event Hubs
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (str)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory"

            • MessageCapacity (int)

            • (str)

            • ConnectionString (str)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool)

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
            • FlushPeriod (long)

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22FlushPeriod (long)
            • MaxSize (int)

            • AzureDateTimeFormat (str) "LONG_MS_SINCE_EPOCH" or "STRING_AZURE_COMPAT"

          • Agents
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str) (added 4.0.17)
            • Enabled (bool) (added 4.0.17
            • Id (long)
            • TagProvider (str)

            • TagPath (str)

            • PushTrigger (str) "EVENT_DRIVEN" or "PERIODIC"

            • TagPacingPeriod (long)

            • ConvertUdts (bool)

            • PublishUdtDefinitions (bool)

            • OptimizeUdts (bool)

            • AzureSetId (long)

            • GroupId (str)

            • EdgeNodeId (str)

            • DeviceId (str)

            • FilteredProperties (str)

          • Sets
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Description (str)

            • PushPolicy (str) "PUSH_TO_ALL" or "PUSH_TO_ANY"

    • Return Value
      • NoneA map representing the updated configuration after it has been written to the database. (added 4.0.16)
  • Anchor
    deleteConfig, id) → void

    • Parameters
      • Type (str)
        • The type of configuration to delete with valid options:

          • "Cert Files"
          • "IoT Hubs"
          • "IoT EdgeEdges"
          • "IoT CentralCentrals"
          • "Event Hubs"
          • "Agents"
          • "Sets"
      • Id (long)
        • The ID of the record to delete
    • Return Value
      • NoneTrue if the record was successfully deleted otherwise False (added 4.0.16)

Sample Script

Cirrus Link provides these scripts as examples only, they are not supported or guaranteed to meet any particular functionality. Cirrus Link cannot provide any assistance to modify these scripts to meet a particular need.
