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EFM ABB Totalflow Totalflow provides a configuration section to the Ignition Gateway that and this can be seen in the Configure section left side menu bar of the Ignition Gateway web UI. There is one configuration page - EFM ABB TOTALFLOW → Settings. The page contains two tabs: Array-Register Definitions and EFM Mappings.




Please review the EFM ABB Totalflow Quickstart for all configuration steps required to pull data from a Totalflow into Ignition

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The configuration options for each of the three tabs - Array-Register Definitions, Totalflow Application Definitions and EFM Mappings - are detailed below.


The Cirrus Link default Array-Register Definitions and EFM Periodic Mapping files can be used as a starting point for configuring the EFM ABB Totalflow module.

Download Array-Register Definitions zip file here

Download Meter Periodic Mapper CSV file here


The Totalflow Application Definitions file can be used as an example if you need to add application definitions that are not known to the driver. 

Array-Register Definitions

The first tab contains settings for creating sets of Array-Register Definitions:

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New Array-Register Definitions can be created by following the 'Create new Array-Register Definition' link as shown below:

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Main Properties

  • Name

    • This is the friendly name of the Array-Register Definition being created

  • Definition File

    • Click the 'Browse' button to select either ZIP archive containing INI files or individual INI file for this Array-Register Definition.

    • Totalflow INI files are configuration files for use with PCCU, G2-G5 and NGC devices. Note that multiple INI files need to be supplied in a ZIP archive.

 It is best practice to add global Array-Register definitions before any Totalflow device connections are defined. If an Array-Register definition is added later, it needs to be added to a device connection manually. Even if device connection has the 'Add All Array-Register Definitions' option turned on, new global Array-Register definition will not be applied unless either added manually or device configuration is re-submitted.

Totalflow Applications Definitions

The Totalflow Applications Definitions provide the driver with application information. 

Review our ABB Totalflow: All files CSV formats for more details on the content of these application definition files.

The  Totalflow Applications Definitions tab allows user to add new application definitions or modified existing ones that driver was build with. The tab shows all uploaded application definitions files as shown below:Image Added

A new Totalflow Applications Definition can be added by clicking on the "Create new Totalflow Applications Definition..." link.

Image Added

Main Properties

  • Name

    • This is the friendly name of the Totalflow Applications Definition being created

  • CSV File

    • Click the 'Browse' button to select CSV file for this Totalflow Applications Definition

EFM Mappings

The EFM Mappings are used for publishing EFM Records representing Daily and Periodic History entries that are polled from a device.


The periodic mapping files are used for building up EFM Daily and Periodic History Records .  They and they define column names for record's fields. Click here for

Review our ABB Totalflow: All files CSV formats for more details on the content of these mapping files.

The Periodic Mappings tab shows all uploaded Periodic Mapping files as shown below.

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A new Periodic Mapping can be added by clicking on the "Create new Periodic Mapping..." link.Image Modified

Main Properties

  • Name

    • This is the friendly name of the Periodic Mapping being created

  • CSV File

    • Click the 'Browse' button to select CSV file for this Periodic Mapping

ABB Totalflow Device Connection

Device connection for ABB Totalflow module can be configured via OPC-UA SERVER.  Selecting OPC-UA SERVER → Devices opens respective configuration page as shown below:

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New ABB Totalflow device can be created by following the 'Create new Device...' link and choosing 'EFM ABB Totalflow' device as shown below:

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This opens the 'New Device' configuration mage for ABB Totalflow Device:

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  • Name
    • Device name
  • Description
    • Device description
  • Enabled
    • Device enabled


  • Board Type
    • G3 - ABB G3 Flow Computer
    • G4 - ABB G4 Flow Computer
    • NGC - ABB Natural Gas Chromatograph


  • Hostname
    • Hostname or IP address of the device
  • TCP Port
    • TCP Port of the device.
  • Socket Timeout
    • TCP socket operation (i.e. connect and read) timeout in seconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. To use system default, set to -1.
  • Connection Type
    • Connection type selector. Either maintain one connection or establish new connection per each transaction. The ON_DEMAND option is recommended.
      • PERSISTENT - The ABB Totalflow driver keeps a TCP connection open and this connection is being shared by all polling threads.
      • ON DEMAND - A TCP connection is opened by each polling thread when it needs to poll and closed upon completion. Note that ABB Totalflow device still allows only one connection at a time.

Auto Setup

  • Enable auto-discovery
    • Enables ABB Totalflow driver to run application auto-discovery at startup and re-configuration.
  • Add All Array-Register Definitions
    • Automatically add all the Array-Register definitions configured within the ABB Totoalflow driver module.
  • Auto-Generate Templates and Poll Groups
    • Automatically generates default Array-Register templates and default poll group on startup and reconfiguration. Note that the driver will create a default Array-Register template for specific application type (enumeration ) if the following criteria are met
      • Polling is enabled in the 'Totalflow Applications Panel' for at least one of applications of this type.
      • There should not be no custom template(s) for this application type.    

DB2 Protocol

  • Station ID
    • Station ID of this ABB Totalflow device.
  • Keep Alive
    • Time interval (in seconds) between 'keep-alive' polls that may be required to maintain PERSISTENT connection if ABB Totalflow device is configured to disconnect on inactivity. To disable 'keep-alive' polls, set to 0. 
  • Host Timeout
    • Timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for a reply from the host. The default value is 3000 milliseconds.
  • Poll EOT Timeout
    • Time (in milliseconds) to wait to ensure there are no more packets to receive. The default value is 700 milliseconds.
  • Auto-Discovery EOT timeout
    • Time (in milliseconds) to wait to ensure there are no more packets to receive during auto-discovery. The default value is 2000 milliseconds. 
  • Number Retries
    • Number of retries if DB2 request is NAKed.
  • Supervisory Frames
    • Number of DB2 supervisory frames.
  • Password
    • DB2 Protocol Security Code. If device is set with default security code of 0000, leave blank.


  • RBAC Enabled
    • Enables Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is enabled on the device and therefore the X_RBAC frame needs to be included in the DB2 request message.
  • Operator ID
    • Operator ID.  If RBAC is not enabled on the device, leave blank.
  • Password
    • Operator password. If RBAC is enabled on the device, leave blank.


  • Alarm Source
    • Alarm source selector.

      • PERIODIC-HISTORY_RECORDS - alarms are obtained from Periodic History records.
      • ALARM_LOG_RECORDS - alarms are obtained form Alarm Log records.
  • Alarm Scan Rate
    • The rate in seconds that Alarm Log Records are scanned. Set to 0 to poll on notification from the 'Record Info' scanner. To disable Alarm polls, set to -1.
  • Event Scan Rate
    • The rate in seconds that Event Records are scanned. Set to 0 to poll on notification from the 'Record Info' scanner. To disable Event polls, set to -1. 
  • Periodic History Scan Rate
    • The rate in seconds that Periodic History Records are scanned. Set to 0 to poll on notification from the 'Record Info' scanner. To disable Periodic History polls, set to -1.
  • Daily History Scan Rate
    • The rate in seconds that Daily History Records are scanned. Set to 0 to poll on notification from the 'Record Info' scanner. To disable Daily History polls, set to -1.
  • Record Info Scan Rate
    • The rate in seconds for the 'Record Info Registers' (i.e. History, Event and Alarm record capacity, last sequence number, etc.) to be scanned.
      If new Event, History, or Alarm Log records are detected, respective poller(s) will be notified. To disable 'RecordInfo' polls, set to -1. Set to 0 for one-shot 'Record Info' poll.
  • Max. Records to Read
    • Maximum number of records to read in one poll.
  • Periodic Mapping
    • The mapping of Totalflow LOG_PERIOD and DAILY structures to Flowcal Meter Periodic Transactions.

Records Signature

  • Enable Signature
    • Enables a digital signature field on all Records.

  • Algorithm
    • The hashing algorithm to use when generating the digital signature.
  • Password
    • The password used to generate the PBE secret key for encrypting the digital signature.


  • Group ID
    • An ID representing a logical grouping of Edge Nodes and Devices
  • Edge Node ID
    • An ID representing an Edge or Network (EoN) Node
  • Device ID
    • An ID representing a Device

When all ABB Totalflow devices are configured, the Devices page will look as shown below:

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To finish configuring ABB Totalflow device, the following four things (as detailed in EFM ABB Totalflow Quickstart document) need to be done:

  • Review auto-discovered applications and choose which application driver needs to poll.

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  • Apply appropriate global Array-Register definitions (only if the "Add All Array-Register Definitions" configuration option was not enabled).

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  • Review default Array-Register Templates generated based on provided Array-Register definitions per each Totalflow application enumeration obtained during auto-discovery. Note that default Array-Register Template entry will be generated for application enumeration only if at lease one of installed application of this type is enabled. Default Array-Register templates can be modified by either editing or by importing an Array-Regsiter template CSV file.

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  • Configure default Poll Group by enabling poll group entries as shown below:

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EFM ABB Totalflow provides a configuration section to the Ignition Gateway and this can be seen in the left side menu bar of the Ignition Gateway web UI. 


Please review the EFM ABB Totalflow Quickstart for all configuration steps required to pull data from a Totalflow into Ignition

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The configuration options for each of the three tabs - Array-Register Definitions, Totalflow Application Definitions and EFM Mappings - are detailed below.


The Cirrus Link default Array-Register Definitions and EFM Periodic Mapping files can be used as a starting point for configuring the EFM ABB Totalflow module.

The Totalflow Application Definitions file can be used as an example if you need to add application definitions that are not known to the driver. 

Array-Register Definitions

The first tab contains settings for creating sets of Array-Register Definitions:

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New Array-Register Definitions can be created by following the 'Create new Array-Register Definition' link as shown below:

Image Added

Main Properties

  • Name

    • This is the friendly name of the Array-Register Definition being created

  • Definition File

    • Click the 'Browse' button to select either ZIP archive containing INI files or individual INI file for this Array-Register Definition.

    • Totalflow INI files are configuration files for use with PCCU, G2-G5 and NGC devices. Note that multiple INI files need to be supplied in a ZIP archive.

 It is best practice to add global Array-Register definitions before any Totalflow device connections are defined. If an Array-Register definition is added later, it needs to be added to a device connection manually. Even if device connection has the 'Add All Array-Register Definitions' option turned on, new global Array-Register definition will not be applied unless either added manually or device configuration is re-submitted.

Totalflow Applications Definitions

The Totalflow Applications Definitions provide the driver with application information. 

Review our ABB Totalflow: All files CSV formats for more details on the content of these application definition files.

The  Totalflow Applications Definitions tab allows user to add new application definitions or modified existing ones that driver was build with. The tab shows all uploaded application definitions files as shown below:Image Added

A new Totalflow Applications Definition can be added by clicking on the "Create new Totalflow Applications Definition..." link.

Image Added

Main Properties

  • Name

    • This is the friendly name of the Totalflow Applications Definition being created

  • CSV File

    • Click the 'Browse' button to select CSV file for this Totalflow Applications Definition

EFM Mappings

The EFM Mappings are used for publishing EFM Records representing Daily and Periodic History entries that are polled from a device.

Periodic Mappings

The periodic mapping files are used for building up EFM Daily and Periodic History Records and they define column names for record's fields. 

Review our ABB Totalflow: All files CSV formats for more details on the content of these mapping files.

The Periodic Mappings tab shows all uploaded Periodic Mapping files as shown below.

Image Added

A new Periodic Mapping can be added by clicking on the "Create new Periodic Mapping..." link.Image Added

Main Properties

  • Name

    • This is the friendly name of the Periodic Mapping being created

  • CSV File

    • Click the 'Browse' button to select CSV file for this Periodic Mapping