Versions Compared


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File TypeWhere to get the file
CA ChainProvided by your Certificate Authority
Private KeyThe key you generated when creating your CSR to submit to your CA
CertificateThe server certificate provided by your Certificate Authority after you submitted your CSR to them

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Navigate to CONFIGURATION > MQTT Server configuration and Enable Secure as shown below. Select the Update button to save the configuration.


You will see that the truststore contains no entries.

Use the following command to add the
Engine client side Root CA certificate to the truststore using the "trustStorePassword" when prompted.

When prompted Trust this certificate? [no]:  respond respond "yes"

Code Block
keytool -importcert -file ca/engine/engineca.crt -keystore <chariot_install_dir>/security/clientcerts.jks -alias EngineDeviceCACertificate

Use the following command to add the Transmission Engine client side certificate to the truststore using the "trustStorePassword" when prompted.

When prompted Trust this certificate? [no]: respond  respond "yes"

Code Block
keytool -importcert -file cacerts/transmissionengine/transmissionCAengine.crt -keystore <chariot_install_dir>/security/clientcerts.jks -alias TransmissionDevice1



Use the following command to add the Transmission client side certificate to the truststore using the "trustStorePassword" when prompted.

When prompted Trust this certificate? [no]: respond "yes"

Code Block
keytool -importcert -file certs/transmission/transmission.crt -keystore <chariot_install_dir>/security/clientcerts.jks -alias TransmissionDevice1

Once completed, viewing the file will now show three entries similar to below:

Code Block
Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 3 entries
Code Block
Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 2 entries

Alias name: enginedevicecacertificate
Creation date: Feb 7, 2024
Entry type: trustedCertEntry

Owner: CN=EngineDeviceCLS Example Root CA, OU=Support, O=Cirrus Link Solutions, L=Stilwell, ST=KS, C=US
Issuer: CN=CLS Example Root CA, OU=Support, O=Cirrus Link Solutions, L=Stilwell, ST=KS, C=US
Serial number: 6f689c58c0f3e7177224c5868b75fcd51bcc2e0f
Valid from: Wed Feb 07 19:43:45 UTC 2024 until: Sat Feb 04 19:43:45 UTC 2034
Certificate fingerprints:
	 SHA1: 15:BC:A7:28:BE:15:D9:7F:E7:B0:1E:51:4E:A0:0F:57:58:C7:A3:2E
	 SHA256: 7A:1E:A0:D8:B5:4E:CB:BF:2D:A9:8D:E2:7F:E6:20:3C:B8:2C:11:4F:14:FF:AD:F6:A1:01:58:C0:37:B3:04:A7
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 4096-bit RSA key
Version: 3


Alias name: transmissiondevice1enginedevice
Creation date: Feb 7, 2024
Entry type: trustedCertEntry

Owner: CN=TransmissionDevice1EngineDevice, OU=Support, O=Cirrus Link Solutions, L=Stilwell, ST=KS, C=US
Issuer: CN=CLS Example Root CA, OU=Support, O=Cirrus Link Solutions, L=Stilwell, ST=KS, C=US
Serial number: 6f689c58c0f3e7177224c5868b75fcd51bcc2e116f689c58c0f3e7177224c5868b75fcd51bcc2e0f
Valid from: Wed Feb 07 19:5243:4845 UTC 2024 until: ThuSat Feb 0604 19:5243:4845 UTC 20252034
Certificate fingerprints:
	 SHA1: 6015:7EBC:A5A7:6E28:47BE:0915:79D9:FB7F:A9E7:FEB0:241E:DB51:054E:1EA0:090F:5457:2458:48C7:19A3:BD2E
	 SHA256: 8A7A:1E:C8A0:39D8:E1B5:504E:8BCB:BF:352D:25A9:438D:C7E2:B47F:66E6:6020:023C:1EB8:AF2C:11:4F:C414:11FF:32AD:B0F6:6DA1:FC01:6D58:6EC0:5D37:A8B3:BE:FA:00:0B04:A7
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 4096-bit RSA key
Version: 3   




Alias name: transmissiondevice1
Creation date: Feb 7, 2024
Entry type: trustedCertEntry

Owner: CN=TransmissionDevice1, OU=Support, O=Cirrus Link Solutions, L=Stilwell, ST=KS, C=US
Issuer: CN=CLS Example Root CA, OU=Support, O=Cirrus Link Solutions, L=Stilwell, ST=KS, C=US
Serial number: 6f689c58c0f3e7177224c5868b75fcd51bcc2e11
Valid from: Wed Feb 07 19:52:48 UTC 2024 until: Thu Feb 06 19:52:48 UTC 2025
Certificate fingerprints:
	 SHA1: 60:7E:A5:6E:47:09:79:FB:A9:FE:24:DB:05:1E:09:54:24:48:19:BD
	 SHA256: 8A:C8:39:E1:50:8B:BF:35:25:43:C7:B4:66:60:02:1E:AF:4F:C4:11:32:B0:6D:FC:6D:6E:5D:A8:BE:FA:00:0B
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 4096-bit RSA key
Version: 3   


Update Chariot Clients Authentication Policy

Using a text editor, set the "clientAuthPolicy" to "required" in the <chariot_install_dir>/conf/com.cirruslink.chariot.server configurationfile.

Code Block

You will now need to restart the Chariot service to pickup up the configuration changes

Client Side Configuration

MQTT Engine Client Side Configuration

Add the certificates to the MQTT Engine > Servers > Certificates configuration as shown below:

Friendly Name

Certificate Filename

File Description

File Location



MQTT Engine Certificate




MQTT Engine Private Key


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Update the MQTT Engine > Servers > Settings configuration to use the certificates as shown below and setting the URL to be ssl://FQDN:8883 with the FQDN of the Chariot Server. Click the Save Changes button to save the configuration. Note the URL must use SSL. If a non-secure connection is specified here, the connection will not succeed.

Image Added

MQTT Transmission Client Side Configuration

Add certificates to the MQTT Transmission


Code Block
You will now need to restart the Chariot service to pickup up the configuration changes


> Servers > Certificates configuration as shown below:

Friendly NameCertificate FilenameFile DescriptionFile Location
EngineCertificateTransmissionCertificateenginetransmission.crtMQTT Engine Transmission Certificatechariotcerts/certs/enginetransmisson
EngineKeyTransmissionKeyenginetransmission.keyMQTT Engine Transmission Private Keychariotcartschariotcerts/certs/enginetransmission

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Update the MQTT Engine Transmission > Servers > Settings configuration to use the certificates as shown below and setting the URL to be ssl://FQDN:8883 with the FQDN of the Chariot Serverto use the certificates as shown below. Click the Save Changes button to save the configuration. Note the URL must use SSL. If a non-secure connection is specified here, the connection will not succeed.

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Add certificates to the MQTT Transmission > Servers > Certificates configuration as shown below:


will not succeed.

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Anonymous Client Connections

Chariot MQTT Server still requires MQTT credentials to authenticate incoming client connections, even when using client certificates to set up a TLS/SSL session. If clients will not be sending an MQTT username and password, anonymous connections must be enabled.

To enable anonymous connections, navigate to the Configuration → MQTT Server → Configuration tab and set Allow AnonymousImage Added

By default, an anonymous client connection will be allowed to publish and subscribe on # unless the Anonymous MQTT Credentials has been selected.

This will allow you to select any of the configured MQTT Credentials, configured under Configuration → MQTT Credentials, and MQTT Chariot will use the Publish and Subscribe ACLs for that MQTT Credential for all anonymous connections.

A Password will need to be configured for this MQTT Credential but will not be used by MQTT Chariot

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Update the MQTT Transmission > Servers > Settings configuration to use the certificates as shown below. Click the Save Changes button to save the configuration. Note the URL must use SSL. If a non-secure connection is specified here, the connection will not succeed.


Verifying Connectivity
