Versions Compared


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The periodic mapping files are used for building up EFM Periodic and Daily History Records. Each row of such file maps specific fields of  field of LOG_PERIOD or DAILY records to a database column namesname. It also allows user to turn a database column off. In other words if column is disabled, respective filed will not be 'recordized'.   These mappings are CSV files with the following values:


  • Name

    • This is the friendly name of the Periodic Mapping being created

  • CSV File

    • Click the 'Browse' button to select CSV file for this Periodic Mapping

At this point, device connections can be created using these global TLP definitionsglobal Array-Register definitions submitted earlier.

Creating a Device Connection


You should now see an empty list of Array-Register definitions (unless you used the "Add All Array-Register Definitions" setting).  Click the 'Add Row' link that is shown below.   This will show a new Array-Register definition with a select box to allow you to select which global Array-Register definition you want to associate with this device.   Add as many as are appropriate for your device as shown below:


  • Keep things as is.
    • This approach will potentially create too many tags that are not really needed.
  • Edit default template by either deleting or disabling rows.
  • Export default templates as CSV file, edit this file (i.e. remove unwanted data points), and importing import it back. This approach can result in
    • New Array-Register template if original template name was modified in CSV file. In this case original default template will remain untouched.
    • Same Array-Register template will have less data points given that template name has not been modified in edited CSV file.
  • Delete default Array-Register template and create a new one from scratch. Note that the best practice is to disable the 'Auto-generate Templates and Poll Group' option in device configuration before deleting any templates. Otherwise the driver will attempt to regenerate default template for application enumeration if the following is true:
    • The 'Totalflow Application' configuration panel contains at least one application of this type (i.e. enumeration) with polling enabled.
    • There is no other custom Array-Register template defined for this application. 


  • Array-Register Template
    • This is a select box that allows to point to one of defined Array-Register templates.
  • Application Name
    • This is a select box that allows to select one of applications enabled on the Totalflow Applications Configuration Panel.
  • Application Slot Number
    • A slot number for selected Totalflow application
  • Enabled
    • Allows to enable or disable a polling thread for this polling entry. Note that all default polling entries created are initially disabled and need to be enabled manually.
  • Scan Rate
    • The scan rate (in seconds) for this polling thread.
  • Tag Folder Path
    • This is a text box where a tag directory needs to be defined.

So when When a poll group entry is enabled a polling thread is spawned, and this thread polls for data point points defined in the Array-Register template this entry points to. And as with Array-Register templates, if a default poll group entry or entire poll group needs to be deleted, it is the best practice to turn the 'Auto-generate Templates and Poll Group' device configuration option off first.
