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The MQTT Engine Namespaces > Default > Sets tab allows for specific Server Sets to be associated with the namespace.
This configuration expands on the MQTT Engine Servers - Filtered Namespaces by applying to all servers in allows for a namespace to be associated with a specific server set. If connection is switched to another server within the same server set, filtered namespaces are applied.(s) and applies to all servers in the server set.
A system with Edge devices publishing using the Sparkplug B protocol to Server A using Set1 and Edge devices publishing MQTT messages to a failover server pair Server B and Server C using Set2.
In this instance the Access Control Lists (ACLs) on Servers B and C may not allow for the subscriptions required by MQTT Engine for the Sparkplug B protocol. Associating the Server A Server Set Configuring Set1 only for the Sparkplug B namespace will disable the namespace for all server connections associated with the Server B and Server C server setSet2.