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The "History" page allows for the configuration of MQTT Transmission History Stores.
When a Transmitter is configured to use an MQTT Transmission History Store, data is written to the History Store once MQTT Transmission has determined that there is a connection failure. Once a connection with an MQTT server is re-established the History Store will publish the stored messages with a flag set to indicate that the messages are "historical" to prevent confusion with live data values. Determination of a connection failure can be up to 1.5 times the configured keep alive. and, as such, any data published during this time can be lost.
From release 4.0.17, in order to cover data loss during a keep alive timeout scenario, the MQTT Transmission History Store includes a Rolling History Buffer that can be configured in the Advanced Properties configuration section. When the Rolling History Buffer is enabled, all tag changes will be written to the History Store regardless of connection status.
The History tab contains a Main section and an Advanced section.
Large Tag Capacities
If using a large tag capacity it is highly recommended to test the system under load in a non-production environment on similar hardware and software that will be used in production. During testing is also important to get the system into a state where the store and forward cache becomes full before beginning to flush. This will ensure that the system is sized appropriately when deployed into a production environment. There are a number of factors involved in determining how large the tag capacity can be including but not limited to system resources such as CPU, RAM (especially when using 'In-Memory'), Disk IOPS (if using 'Disk-Backed'), the nominal tag change rate (e.g. number of tags changing per second in the system), the flush rate, bandwidth availability, whether flushing in order vs asynchronously, etc. Because of the complex interactions of these variables it is highly recommended to test in a controlled environment. Generally any capacity over 2,000,000 is considered large and should be tested before deploying to production.
Review Determining and Testing the settings for an MQTT Transmission History Store