- Q: How do I install and set up IoT Bridge
- Q: How do I get my UDT definition modification in Ignition to appear in AWS SiteWise?
- A: After making a change to a UDT definition in Ignition, the Asset Model in AWS SiteWise must be deleted so it can be rebuilt based on the new definition. So, follow this process.
1. Stop the Edge from Transmitting data
2. Delete the asset model from SiteWise
3. Click the '[MQTT Transmission]Transmission Control/Refresh' boolean tag to publish a new Sparkplug BIRTH sequence. This will re-create the asset model in AWS SiteWise with the new UDT definition - Caveat: Changing UDT definitions is not generally recommended once in production. It is preferred to 'version' UDT definitions and include the version number in the UDT definition name. This will allow multiple versions of a UDT to be supported simultaneously in a given system.
{"serverDuration": 518, "requestCorrelationId": "f764101ae5316f73"}