UNS Basics

Review the Inductive Automation article UNS: Unified Namespace for a comprehensive overview of what a UNS is and how it works.

Review the Cirrus Link Building a Unified Namespace Between OT and IT Using New MQTT Tools with Sparkplug and JSON video

Sparkplug Basics

Sparkplug defines a standard format for MQTT message topic paths of:

spBv1.0/group_id/Message Type/edge_node_id/device_id 

Sparkplug defines a standard format for MQTT message payloads of:

  "timestamp": <timestamp>,         
  "metrics": [{                 
    "name": <metric_name>,                 
    "alias": <alias>,                 
    "timestamp": <timestamp>,                 
    "dataType": <datatype>,                 
    "value": <value>
  "seq": <sequence_number>

where the ‘name’ of a metric can be hierarchical to build out proper folder structures for applications consuming the metric values.

For example, a simple Sparkplug™ B payload with a two metrics can be represented in JSON as follows:

  "timestamp": 1486144502122,         
  "metrics": [{                 
    "name": "Metric1",                 
    "alias": 1,                 
    "timestamp": 1479123452194,                 
    "dataType": "String",                 
    "value": "Test"         
    "name": "Metric Level 1/Metric Level 2/Metric2",                 
    "alias": 2,                 
    "timestamp": 1479123452056,                 
    "dataType": "String",                 
    "value": "Test"         
  "seq": 2

Using the hierarchical functionality of the metric name, in conjunction with the group_id, edge_node_id and device_id already defined in the Topic Namespace, allows consuming Sparkplug applications to organize metrics in the same hierarchical fashion to construct the Unified NameSpace whilst taking advantage of the benefits afforded by using Sparkplug.

UNS Architecture

The directional arrows in the image represent data flow.

Data can be published from the UNS Transmitter to Enterprise Consuming Clients but the UNS Transmitter MQTT Client will have no subscriptions

MQTT Engine

From release 4.0.23, MQTT Engine now has the option to consume incoming Sparkplug messages and organize metrics in the same hierarchical fashion to construct the Unified NameSpace.

Configuration is set in the Sparkplug B namespace under MQTT Engine > Namespaces > Sparkplug B > Default > General as shown below:

Let's take a look at a an example of how a UNS can be created at MQTT Engine from Edge Node tags published by MQTT Transmission.

Review the MQTT Transmission Transmitters and Tag Trees to gain an understanding of how MQTT Transmission Transmitter configurations interact with Ignition tag trees to publish Sparkplug messages and the immense flexibility that can be realized.

We have configured an MQTT Transmission Transmitter to use the Ignition tag tree in the default tag provider at the Edge to construct the Sparkplug Device Descriptor (group_id, edge_id and device_id) starting at the folder level below Edge Nodes.

For the Ignition tag tree below, the topic and payload for a change to tag T1 will be:

Topic: spBv1.0/G1/DDATA/E1/D1

SparkplugBPayload: [timestamp=1726851053618, metrics=[Metric [name=Vancouver/Area1/Line1/Zone1/Asset1/T1, alias=null, timestamp=1726851052615, dataType=Int32, isHistorical=null, isTransient=null, metaData=null, properties=PropertySet [propertyMap={}], value=10, isNull=false]], seq=3, uuid=null, body=null]

At MQTT Engine, the metric name is parsed and the tag structure created under the configured UNS folder name.

The tag has three additional properties which identify the Sparkplug Descriptor associated with this tag: 

  • SparkplugGroupId
  • SparkplugEdgeNodeId
  • SparkplugDeviceId


MQTT Engine

MQTT Engine

The Sparkplug Descriptor properties, SparkplugDeviceId, SparkplugEdgeNodeId and SparkplugGroupID, for UDT Instance tags are inherited from the parent UDT Instance and can be viewed in the tag editor for the UDT Instance:

Currently it is possible to manually edit the Sparkplug Descriptor properties for a UNS tag at MQTT Engine. The edits will hold until a BIRTH message is received from the Edge Node.

These tags are not used internally by MQTT Engine and the tag will remain associated with the original Sparkplug Descriptor. For example if the SparkplugDeviceId associated with Vancouver/Area1/Line1/Zone1/Asset1/T1 is changed to D17, new data coming in from spBv1.0/G1/DDATA/E1/D1 for metric Vancouver/Area1/Line1/Zone1/Asset1/T1 will still be written to the tag.

However, these tag properties are used by UNS Transmitter to create the .props message associated with the tag. Any refresh of the edge node at the UNS Transmitter will result in a .props message being published with the edited Sparkplug Descriptor properties.

In addition to creating the UNS folder, for each connected Edge Node, a Node Control and Node Info folder containing tags is created along with a Device Info folder for each connected device. See the Engine Tags documentation for details on each of these tags.

Under the Device Control and Node Control folders there is a "Delete UNS Tags" tag. This tag makes it simple to delete the tags for the respective Edge Node or Device without having to parse through the UNS tag tree to find the associated tags.

The security on this tag is set to Read Only = True and will need to be updated to Read Only = False before the boolean can be written to.

MQTT Engine

Colliding Tag Paths

A requirement of a UNS is that each tag can only be reference from a single source ie. the same tag path cannot be published from two edge nodes.

To help identify colliding UNS tag, the SparkplugBPayloadHandler will at Error level when parsing a tag name that is already associated with a different Sparkplug Descriptor. 

MQTT Transmission UNS Transmitter

The UNS Transmitter can be configured to read tags from the UNS structure created by MQTT Engine and publish tag changes over MQTT to any Enterprise consuming clients. Each transmitter is configured with a server Set and will attempt to maintain an MQTT client connection with one server in that Set at all times.

The UNS Transmitter will use the namespace unsAv1.0 and will prefix this to all publishes from MQTT Transmission

The UNS namespace may be disabled via script using the "UseTopicPrefixToken" parameter 

The UNS Transmitter MQTT Client has no subscriptions.

The configuration sections available are Tag Settings, Publish Settings, History Settings and Advanced Settings.

UNS Transmitters - Tag Settings

  • Name
    • Unique name for the UNS Transmitter
  • Enabled
    • Checkbox to enable/disable the UNS Transmitter. Selected by default.
  • Tag Provider
    • The name of the tag provider that Transmission will monitor.
  • Tag Path
    • Optional path to the root folder where the tag tree starts.
    • Transmitters also support a multi-tag path configuration. Reference the Transmitters with Multi-Tag Paths tutorial for configuration assistance.
  • Set
    • The Set that the UNS Transmitter client will connect to.
  • Discovery Delay
    • An optional startup delay, in milliseconds, to wait before scanning for Tags to monitor. This is useful when Tags are dynamically created on initial startup, as is the case when using the MQTT Engine module.

UNS Transmitters - Publish Settings

  • Properties QoS
    • The MQTT Quality of Service to use for 'properties' messages
  • Properties Retain
    • Whether or not to set the MQTT retain flag to true for 'properties' messages
  • Data QoS
    • The MQTT Quality of Service to use for 'data' messages
  • Data Retain
    • Whether or not to set the MQTT retain flag to true for 'data' messages

UNS Transmitters - History Settings

  • History Store
    • The MQTT Transmission History Store to use with the UNS Transmitter.
  • Enable History Storage by Default
    • Checkbox to enable/disable store and forward for all tags. Selected by default. 
    • Store and forward controls whether or not a tag is stored in the configured History Store when Transmission is offline. To override the global setting, individual tags will require a custom tag property 'StoreAndForward' (type: boolean) to be created and set to the reverse state of the global setting.

UNS Transmitters - Advanced Settings

  • Send All Properties
    • Send all properties, including default properties, in .props messages
  • Filtered Properties
    • A semicolon delimited list of Tag properties to filter/block from being published
    • By default the filtered properties list contains: 


    • Tag properties are only published if different from the default Ignition tag property settings.

UNS Messages

UNS Data Message

A single UNS Data Message is published for each tag when QualifiedValue of the tag changes 

  • Topic
    • Ignition tag path starting at the Tag Path defined in the transmitter
    • Example: unsAv1.0/Vancouver/Area1/Line1/Zone1/Asset1/T1
  • Payload
    • JSON formatted payload containing tag name, dataType, value, timestamp and qualityCode
    • Example: {"name":"Vancouver/Area1/Line1/Zone1/Asset1/T1","dataType":"Int32","value":120,"timestamp":1727215043878,"qualityCode":192}

UNS Properties Message

A single UNS Properties Message is published for each tag on every client connection

  • Topic
    • Ignition tag path starting at the Tag Path defined in the transmitter extended by .props
    • Example: unsAv1.0/Vancouver/Area1/Line1/Zone1/Asset1/T1.props
  • Payload
    • JSON formatted payload containing non default or custom property values 
    • Example: {"SparkplugEdgeNodeId":{"type":"String","value":"E1"},"SparkplugGroupId":{"type":"String","value":"G1"},"enabled":{"type":"Boolean","value":true},"SparkplugDeviceId":{"type":"String","value":"D1"}}