1. Download/backup the configuration and certificates from the existing instance of the IoT Bridge for Snowflake as listed below:

    1. IBSNOW Properties located in /opt/ibsnow/conf/ibsnow.properties
    2. IBSNOW Stream Profile located in /opt/ibsnow/conf/snowflake_streaming_profle.json
    3. IBSNOW Private Key located in /opt/ibsnow/conf/rsa_key.p8 or wherever you have the private_key_file set to in /opt/ibsnow/conf/snowflake_streaming_profile.json assuming you have that set to a file and not the file contents
    4. IBSNOW Certificates located in /opt/ibsnow/certs/* if you have any certificates in this folder

  2. Deploy the latest version of the AWS IoT Bridge for Snowflake or Azure IoT Bridge for Snowflake

  3. Stop the IoT Bridge for Snowflake service on the existing instance of the IoT Bridge for Snowflake
    For IoT Bridge for Snowflake version 1.0.3 and newer 

    sudo systemctl stop ibsnow

    For IoT Bridge for Snowflake versions prior to 1.0.3 

    sudo /etc/init.d/ibsnow stop

  4. Copy the backed up config from Step 1 above to the new instance of the IoT Bridge for Snowflake created in Step 2

  5. Start the IoT Bridge for Snowflake service on the new instance of the IoT Bridge for Snowflake created in Step 2
    For IoT Bridge for Snowflake version 1.0.3 and newer

    sudo systemctl start ibsnow

    For IoT Bridge for Snowflake versions prior to 1.0.3

    sudo /etc/init.d/ibsnow start

  6. Confirm data is now flowing into Snowflake successfully from the new instance of the IoT Bridge for Snowflake created in Step 2

  7. Stop and terminate/delete the old instance of the IoT Bridge for Snowflake.