This error message indicates that device is producing TLPs that are not defined in the Emerson ROC configuration.

The driver calls out the specific TLP that is missing for example:

No Meter/Station ID found for: MINUTE History, Segment 5, Point TLP 115, 1, 18

To resolve, you will need to specify the TLPs in the ‘Periodic Mappings’ of the main driver configuration. Take a look at this at the TLP Definitions and EFM Mapping CSV formats for assistance.

Unable to Resolve?

If the troubleshooting tips did not help you resolve your issues, please open a ticket with Support making sure to include the Emerson ROC configuration and Ignition logs.  

From the Ignition Logs view, select the Download icon to download a copy of the system-name.idb file to your local file system. You will need to compress (zip, 7z or rar) this file before sending to Support.