
Important: If Upgrading Chariot to a New Version please review this tutorial.

Installing Chariot MQTT Server

The Chariot MQTT Server can be installed on the Windows server by following these steps:

Transfer the zip file to the Windows server and unzip the file

Using the file transfer method of you choice, transfer the Chariot MQTT Server zip file to the WIndows server and unzip it as shown below:

Run the install script

Navigate to the directory where the Chariot MQTT Server was unzipped and run the install script using the following commands

C:\> cd C:\Program Files\Chariot
C:\Program Files\Chariot>install.bat

An example of a success installation may look like the following:

The Chariot MQTT Server should now be installed in the Windows server and will run automatically when the server is booted.

Start the Chariot MQTT Server

After the Chariot MQTT Server is installed, the Chariot daemon can be launched with the following command

C:\Program Files\Chariot>serviceStart.bat

Verify the Chariot MQTT Server installation

The status of the Chariot MQTT Server can be obtained by running the following script

C:\Program Files\Chariot>status.bat

An example of a success running Chariot MQTT Server may look like the following:

Additionally the Chariot MQTT Server Web UI can be accessed on port 8080.  Navigate to the server's URL in a browser and verify that the EULA page is shown.

Stop the Chariot MQTT Server

Chariot daemon can be stopped by running the following script:

C:\Program Files\Chariot>serviceStop.bat

Uninstall the Chariot MQTT Server

The Chariot MQTT Server can be uninstalled by running the following script:

C:\Program Files\Chariot>uninstall.bat