The Chariot MQTT Server Web UI allows for uploading, activating, and deactivating valid Chariot Licenses.  This tutorial will cover activating and deactivating a Chariot License both online and offline.



The procedure for licensing a Chariot MQTT Server is as follows:

  1. Log in to the Chariot MQTT Server web UI and navigate to the License page
  2. Upload your Chariot license to the server
  3. Activate your Chariot License in one of two ways:
    1. Online Activation (see here)
    2. Offline Activation (see here)

Online License Activation

The Online Activation feature allows a Chariot License to be automatically activated on a Chariot MQTT Server instance that is connected to the internet.  The Chariot MQTT Server will remotely connect and activate a Chariot License if it is valid and has an activation available.

Log into the Chariot MQTT Server Web UI and navigate to the CONFIGURATION → License page as shown below.

The text file containing the Chariot License can either be dragged/dropped in the "Upload License" area, or the area can be clicked to bring up an empty form and the license text can be copied/pasted into the form.  A successfully added license will look like the following:

Click the OK button to finish uploading the Chariot License.  The license will auto activate and the page should look like the following:

The Chariot MQTT Server is now fully Licensed and read to you.  The "Deactivate license" feature allows for the license to be remotely deactivated so that it can be potentially activated on another Chariot MQTT Server instance.  Note: if the server is terminated, deleted, or destroyed without deactivating the active Chariot License, that license will permanently lose one of its total number of activations.

Offline License Activation

For Chariot MQTT Server instances that do not have internet access, an offline action process is available.  Similarly to the above process, first log into the Chariot MQTT Server Web UI and navigate to the CONFIGURATION → License page.  Click on the "Online Activation" toggle to change it to "Offline Activation" mode, as shown below.

The text file containing the Chariot License can either be dragged/dropped in the "Upload License" area, or the area can be clicked to bring up an empty form and the license text can be copied/pasted into the form.  A successfully added license will look like the following:

Click the OK button to finish uploading the Chariot License.  The license will NOT activate and the page should look like the following:

Now click the "Generate Activation Request" to generate a new request.  Note: only do this ONCE. Each new generated Activation Request will invalidate the previous one.

Copy/paste the generated code to a text file and send the file to Cirrus Link Solutions in order to obtain an Activation Code.

Once the Activation Code is obtained return to the License page in the Chariot MQTT Server Web UI and click on "Upload Activation Code" and copy/paste the Activation Code into the form.

Click OK and the license should be successfully activated.

In order to deactivate the license, click the "Deactivate and Generate Request". This will provide a Deactivation Request code that can be given to Cirrus Link Solutions in order to free up the previous activation for use with another Chariot MQTT Server instance.