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Emerson ROC Device Connections can be cloned using the Emerson ROC APIs using simple scripts which are executable in the Ignition Designer Script Console.
Note |
Requires EFM Emerson ROC Driver nightly 092823 or newer Will be included in v4.0.19 |
Once you have configured and tested your base device connection to be cloned, use the scripts below to clone connections either on the same Edge device or on a clean Edge device.
There are five script files available to make it easy to manage your device replications:
This is the CirrusLink utilities file to be imported into Ignition Designer
Open Ignition Designer and from the File menu import the file. You will see the script under Scripting > Project Library > CirrusLink
Open the Tools > Script Console and copy the script from each file as needed, set the configuration parameters required within each script and select Execute
This example shows the EmersonROCSaveBaseDeviceToFile script
Verify the cloned devices are complete and able to connect
If you have any questions regarding these scripts, please contact for assistance.