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This will bring up the following page. Click the 'OneAuto-click certificate creationgenerate a new certificate (recommended)' option shown below.

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This will bring up the page similar to what is shown below. Select the policy that was created earlier in this tutorial also shown below and click 'Create thing'.

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This will show the following download page.

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At this point, you must download the following files. Do not proceed until you have downloaded them as you will not get another chance.

  • Device certificate
    • This file ends in 'certificate.pem.crt'
  • Public key file
    • This file ends in 'public.pem.key'
  • Private key file
    • This file ends in 'private.pem.key'
  • Root CA certificate
    • Amazon Root CA 1

These will all UUID.cert.pem file and the UUID.private.key file. These will both be used in the IBSNOW configuration to connect to AWS IoT later. These files will not be accessible later and must be downloaded now. In addition, there is a link to download the root CA for AWS IoT. Make sure to download this as well. The 'RSA 2048 bit key: Amazon Root CA 1' is the preferred root certificate to download .<TODO>Add Image</TODO>at the time of this writing.

At this point you should have three files where 'UUID' will be some UUID specific to your thing. Do not proceed until you have all at least the following three files.

  • UUID.certcertificate.pem.crt
  • UUID.private.pem.key
  • AmazonRootCA1.pem

Once you have these, click the 'Activate' button. Then, click the 'Attach a policyDone' button. This will bring up the following page showing the new thing.

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Now select the 'IBSNOW_Policy' and finally click 'Register Thing'. At this point, you should see your newly provisioned 'thing' as shown below.

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a thing has been defined with an associated certificate which also has a policy attached to it.

Now we need to get the AWS IoT Core Endpoint. Do so by selecting 'Settings' from the bottom section of the left navigation panel as shown below.

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When selected, your AWS IoT Endpoint will be displayed. Note it for future use when configuring IBSNOW.
