Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Enable Certificate Based Authentication
    • Whether or not to use certificate based authentication.
    • If not using certificate based authentication, the 'Password/Connection String' field must be used.
    • If certificate based authentication is used, the other Authentications fields must be used.
  • Password /Connection String (required if not using certificate based authentication)
    • This is the Azure IoT Hub connection string used to connect.  This string can be one of the following:
      • An IoT Hub connection string with the following format:
        • HostName=<Host Name>;SharedAccessKeyName=<Key Name>;SharedAccessKey=<SAS Key>
      • An IoT Hub's Event Hub-compatible connection string with the following format:
        • Endpoint=<ENDPOINT>;SharedAccessKeyName=<Key Name>;SharedAccessKey=<KEYVALUE>
      • An IoT Hub device connection string with the following format:
        • HostName=<Host Name>;DeviceId=<Device Name>;SharedAccessKey=<Device Key>
        • Note: If using MQTT as the protocol, this is the connection string format that must be used.
  • MQTT Hostname (required if using certificate based authentication)
    • This is the DNS endpoint name of your IoT Hub
  • Device ID (required if using certificate based authentication)
    • The Device ID as provisioned in the IoT Hub to connect as
  • CA Certificate File
    • The CA certificate file of your IoT Hub. See this document for more information.
    • The drop down is populated from a list of files that have been uploaded to the IoT Hub/Certificates tab.
  • Client Certificate File (required if using certificate based authentication)
    • The client certificate file as provisioned for this device.
    • The drop down is populated from a list of files that have been uploaded to the IoT Hub/Certificates tab.
  • Client Private Key File (required if using certificate based authentication)
    • The client private key file that was used in generating the certificate for this device
    • The drop down is populated from a list of files that have been uploaded to the IoT Hub/Certificates tab.
  • Password/Private key password
    • The password used for the private key if one was specified for the key
