Versions Compared


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  • Anchor
    system.cirruslink.engine.publish(mqttServerName, topic, payload, qos, retained) → void
    • Parameters
      • String mqttServerName
        • The name of the server connection to use in the MQTT Engine Server configuration. This must match an existing server name in the configuration.
      • String topic
        • The MQTT topic to publish on. This must be a valid MQTT topic
      • byte[] payload
        • An array of bytes representing the MQTT payload
      • int qos
        • The MQTT 'Quality of Service' to use. This must be either 0, 1, or 2
      • boolean retained
        • Whether or not to publish this message with the retained flag set
    • Return Value
      • None
  • Anchor
    system.cirruslink.engine.createConfig(type, props) → void

    • Parameters
      • String type
        • The type of configuration to create with valid options:

          • Cert Files
          • Servers
          • Sets
          • Def Namespace Filters
          • Def Namespace
          • Cust Namespace
      • Map props
        • Dictionary of properties making up the configuration with the following keys and datatypes:
          • Cert Files
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • FileContents (str)

            • Description (str)

          • Servers
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (bool)

            • Url (str)

            • ServerSetId (long)
            • Username (str)

            • Password (str)

            • CaCertFileId (long)

            • ClientCertFileId (long)

            • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

            • ClientKeyPassword (str)

            • HostnameVerification (bool)

            • TlsAlpnExtensions (str)
            • ClientId (str)

            • CleanSession (bool)

            • KeepAlive (int)

            • FilteredNamespaces (str)

            • EnableLegacyStateMessages (bool)
            • LegacyStateUsername (str)
            • LegacyStatePassword (str)
            • LegacyStateClientId (str)
            • LegacyStateCaCertFileId (long)
            • LegacyStateClientCertFileId (long)
            • LegacyStateClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)
            • LegacyStateClientKeyPassword (str)
            • LegacyStateHostnameVerification (bool)
            • LegacyStateTlsAlpnExtensions (str)
          • Sets
            • Id (long)(added 4.0.22)
            • Name (str)(added 4.0.22)
            • Description (str)(added 4.0.22)
            • PrimaryHostEnabled (bool)(added 4.0.22)
            • PrimaryHostId (str)(added 4.0.22)
          • Def Namespace Filters
            • Id (long)

            • NamespaceId (long)

            • GroupId (str)

            • EdgeNodeId (str)

          • Def Namespace
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str) "Elecsys", "Sparkplug A", Sparkplug B", or "Xirgo"

            • Enabled (bool)

          • Cust Namespace
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) 

            • Subscription (str)

            • QoS1 (bool)

            • RootFolder (str)

            • TagName (str)

            • JsonPayload (bool)

            • Charset (str)

            • WritableTags (bool)

    • Return Value
      • A map representing the newly created configuration after it has been written to the database. (added 4.0.16)
  • Anchor
    system.cirruslink.engine.readConfig(type) → List

    • Parameters
      • String type
        • The type of configuration to read with valid options:

          • General
          • Cert Files
          • Servers
          • Sets
          • Def Namespace Files
          • Def Namespace Filters
          • Def Namespace
          • Cust Namespace
    • Return Value
      • A List of Dictionaries of properties making up the configurations with the following keys and datatypes:
        • General
          • Id (long)

          • Enabled (bool)

          • PrimaryHostEnabled (bool)(deprecated 4.0.22)

          • PrimaryHostId (str)(deprecated 4.0.22)

          • BlockNodeCommands (bool)

          • BlockDeviceCommands (bool)

          • BlockTagPropertyChanges (bool)

          • StoreHistoricalEvents (bool)

          • EnableLatching (bool)

          • LatchTimeout (long)

          • LatchTagList (str)

          • FilteredProperties (str)

          • EnableBdSeqChecking (bool)

          • CustomProperties (str)EnablePrimaryHostSubscriptions (bool)

          • MetricTimestampValidation (bool)
          • IncludeSecurityContext (bool)
          • SecurityContextHashingAlgorithm (str) "SHA_1", "SHA_224", "SHA_256", "SHA_384" or "SHA_512"
          • SecurityContextHashingPassword (str)
          • PrimaryHostControlTagList (str)
          • ReorderingTimeout (long)
        • Cert Files
          • Id (long)

          • Name (str)

          • FileContents (str)

          • Description (str)

        • Servers
          • Id (long)

          • Name (str)

          • Enabled (bool)

          • Url (str)

          • ServerSetId (long)
          • Username (str)

          • Password (str)

          • CaCertFileId (long)

          • ClientCertFileId (long)

          • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

          • ClientKeyPassword (str)

          • HostnameVerification (bool)

          • TlsAlpnExtensions (str)
          • ClientId (str)

          • CleanSession (bool)

          • KeepAlive (int)

          • FilteredNamespaces (str)

          • EnableLegacyStateMessages (bool)
          • LegacyStateUsername (str)
          • LegacyStatePassword (str)
          • LegacyStateClientId (str)
          • LegacyStateCaCertFileId (long)
          • LegacyStateClientCertFileId (long)
          • LegacyStateClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)
          • LegacyStateClientKeyPassword (str)
          • LegacyStateHostnameVerification (bool)
          • LegacyStateTlsAlpnExtensions (str)
        • Sets
          • Id (long)(added 4.0.22)
          • Name (str)(added 4.0.22)
          • Description (str)(added 4.0.22)
          • PrimaryHostEnabled (bool)(added 4.0.22)
          • PrimaryHostId (str)(added 4.0.22)
        • Def Namespace Files
          • Id (long)

          • IgnoreFiles (bool)

          • FileHostType (str) "ACTIVE" or "PASSIVE"

          • BaseFileDirectory (str)

          • AddTopicTokens (bool)

          • FileStoringPolicy (str)

        • Def Namespace Filters
          • Id (long)

          • NamespaceId (long)

          • GroupId (str)

          • EdgeNodeId (str)

        • Def Namespace
          • Id (long)

          • Name (str) "Elecsys", "Sparkplug A", Sparkplug B", or "Xirgo"

          • Enabled (bool)

        • Cust Namespace
          • Id (long) 

          • Name (str) 

          • Subscription (str)

          • QoS1 (bool)

          • RootFolder (str)

          • TagName (str)

          • JsonPayload (bool)

          • Charset (str)

          • WritableTags (bool)

  • Anchor
    system.cirruslink.engine.updateConfig(type, id, collisionPolicy, props) → void
    • Parameters
      • String type
        • The type of configuration to update with valid options:

          • General
          • Cert Files
          • Servers
          • Sets
          • Def Namespace Files
          • Def Namespace Filters
          • Def Namespace
          • Cust Namespace
      • Long id
        • The ID of the record to update
      • String collisionPolicy
        • "MergeOverwrite" or "Overwrite"
          • "MergeOverwrite" will replace the existing properties in the record ID with only those included in the call
          • "Overwrite" will replace all properties in the record ID with those in the call
      • Map props
        • Dictionary of properties making up the configuration with the following keys and datatypes: 
          • General
            • Id (long)

            • Enabled (bool)

            • PrimaryHostEnabled (bool)(deprecated 4.0.22)

            • PrimaryHostId (str)(deprecated 4.0.22)

            • BlockNodeCommands (bool)

            • BlockDeviceCommands (bool)

            • BlockTagPropertyChanges (bool)

            • StoreHistoricalEvents (bool)

            • EnableLatching (bool)

            • LatchTimeout (long)

            • LatchTagList (str)

            • FilteredProperties (str)

            • EnableBdSeqChecking (bool)

            • CustomProperties (str)

            • EnablePrimaryHostSubscriptions (bool)

            • MetricTimestampValidation (bool)
            • IncludeSecurityContext (bool)
            • SecurityContextHashingAlgorithm (str) "SHA_1", "SHA_224", "SHA_256", "SHA_384" or "SHA_512"
            • SecurityContextHashingPassword (str)
            • PrimaryHostControlTagList (str)
            • ReorderingTimeout (long)
          • Cert Files
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • FileContents (str)

            • Description (str)

          • Servers
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str)

            • Enabled (bool)

            • Url (str)

            • Username (str)

            • Password (str)

            • CaCertFileId (long)

            • ClientCertFileId (long)

            • ClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)

            • ClientKeyPassword (str)

            • HostnameVerification (bool)

            • TlsAlpnExtensions (str)
            • ClientId (str)

            • CleanSession (bool)

            • KeepAlive (int)

            • FilteredNamespaces (str)

            • EnableLegacyStateMessages (bool)
            • LegacyStateUsername (str)
            • LegacyStatePassword (str)
            • LegacyStateClientId (str)
            • LegacyStateCaCertFileId (long)
            • LegacyStateClientCertFileId (long)
            • LegacyStateClientPrivateKeyFileId (long)
            • LegacyStateClientKeyPassword (str)
            • LegacyStateHostnameVerification (bool)
            • LegacyStateTlsAlpnExtensions (str)
          • Sets
            • Id (long)(added 4.0.22)
            • Name (str)(added 4.0.22)
            • Description (str)(added 4.0.22)
            • PrimaryHostEnabled (bool)(added 4.0.22)
            • PrimaryHostId (str)(added 4.0.22)
          • Def Namespace Files
            • Id (long)

            • IgnoreFiles (bool)

            • FileHostType (str) "ACTIVE" or "PASSIVE"

            • BaseFileDirectory (str)

            • AddTopicTokens (bool)

            • FileStoringPolicy (str)

          • Def Namespace Filters
            • Id (long)

            • NamespaceId (long)

            • GroupId (str)

            • EdgeNodeId (str)

          • Def Namespace
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str) "Elecsys", "Sparkplug A", Sparkplug B", or "Xirgo"

            • Enabled (bool)

          • Cust Namespace
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) 

            • Subscription (str)

            • QoS1 (bool)

            • RootFolder (str)

            • TagName (str)

            • JsonPayload (bool)

            • Charset (str)

            • WritableTags (bool)

    • Return Value
      • A map representing the updated configuration after it has been written to the database. (added 4.0.16)
  • Anchor
    system.cirruslink.engine.deleteConfig(type, id) → void

    • Parameters
      • String type
        • The type of configuration to delete with valid options:

          • Cert Files
          • Servers
          • Sets
          • Def Namespace Filters
          • Def Namespace
          • Cust Namespace
      • Long id
        • The ID of the record to delete
    • Return Value
      • True if the record was successfully deleted otherwise False is returned (added 4.0.16)

Sample Scripts
