Versions Compared


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  • Anchor
    createConfig, props) → void

    • Parameters
      • String type
        • The type of configuration to create with valid options:

          • Kinesis

          • Dynamo

          • Agents

          • Sets

      • Map props
        • Dictionary of properties making up the configuration with the following keys and datatypes:
          • Kinesis
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) 

            • Enabled (bool) 

            • UseAwsKeys (bool)(added 4.0.22)
            • AwsAccessKey (str) 

            • AwsSecretKey (str) 

            • EnableSessionTokens (bool) 

            • RoleARN (str) 

            • SessionDuration (int) 

            • RoleSessionName (str) 

            • StreamName (str) 

            • FirehoseStream (bool) 

            • AwsRegion (str) 

            • AwsSetId (long) (must be included)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool) 

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
            • FlushPeriod (long) 

            • PartitionKeyCount (int) 

            • PartitionKeyPattern (str) 

            • MaxSize (int) 

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • Dynamo
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) 

            • Enabled (bool) 

            • AwsAccessKey (str) 

            • AwsSecretKey (str) 

            • TableName (str) 

            • AwsRegion (str) 

            • AwsSetId (long) (must be included)

            • HistoryEnabled (bool) 

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int) (deprecated 4.0.19)

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
            • FlushPeriod (long) 

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • Agents
            • Id (long)

            • Name (str) (added 4.0.17)

            • Enabled (bool) (added 4.0.17)

            • TagProvider (str) 

            • TagPath (str) 

            • PushTrigger (str) "EVENT_DRIVEN" or "PERIODIC" 

            • TagPacingPeriod (long) 

            • ConvertUdts (bool) 

            • PublishUdtDefinitions (bool) 

            • OptimizeUdts (bool) 

            • AwsSetId (long)(must be included)

            • GroupId (str) 

            • EdgeNodeId (str) 

            • DeviceId (str) 

            • FilteredProperties (str) 

          • Sets
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) 

            • Description (str) 

            • PushPolicy (str) "PUSH_TO_ALL" or "PUSH_TO_ANY"

    • Return Value
      • A map representing the newly created configuration after it has been written to the database. (added 4.0.16)
  • Anchor
    readConfig → List

    • Parameters
      • String type
        • The type of configuration to read with valid options:

          • General
          • Kinesis
          • Dynamo
          • Agents
          • Sets
    • Return Value
      • A List of Dictionaries of properties making up the configurations with the following keys and datatypes:
        • General
          • Id (long)

          • Enabled (bool)

        • Kinesis
          • Id (long) 

          • Name (str) 

          • Enabled (bool)

          • EnableAwsKeys (bool)(added 4.0.22

          • AwsAccessKey (str) 

          • AwsSecretKey (str) 

          • EnableSessionTokens (bool) 

          • RoleARN (str) 

          • SessionDuration (int) 

          • RoleSessionName (str) 

          • StreamName (str) 

          • FirehoseStream (bool) 

          • AwsRegion (str) 

          • AwsSetId (long) 

          • HistoryEnabled (bool) 

          • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

          • MessageCapacity (int) (deprecated 4.0.19)

          • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
          • FlushPeriod (long) 

          • PartitionKeyCount (int) 

          • PartitionKeyPattern (str) 

          • MaxSize (int) 

          • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
        • Dynamo
          • Id (long) 

          • Name (str) 

          • Enabled (bool) 

          • AwsAccessKey (str) 

          • AwsSecretKey (str) 

          • TableName (str) 

          • AwsRegion (str) 

          • AwsSetId (long) 

          • HistoryEnabled (bool) 

          • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

          • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

          • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19)
          • FlushPeriod (long) 

          • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
        • Agents
          • Id (long) 

          • Name (str) (added 4.0.17)
          • Enabled (bool) (added 4.0.17)
          • TagProvider (str) 

          • TagPath (str) 

          • PushTrigger (str) "EVENT_DRIVEN" or "PERIODIC" 

          • TagPacingPeriod (long) 

          • ConvertUdts (bool) 

          • PublishUdtDefinitions (bool) 

          • OptimizeUdts (bool) 

          • AwsSetId (long) 

          • GroupId (str) 

          • EdgeNodeId (str) 

          • DeviceId (str) 

          • FilteredProperties (str) 

        • Sets
          • Id (long) 

          • Name (str) 

          • Description (str) 

          • PushPolicy (str) "PUSH_TO_ALL" or "PUSH_TO_ANY"

  • Anchor
    updateConfig, id, collisionPolicy, props) → void
    • Parameters
      • String type
        • The type of configuration to update with valid options:

          • General
          • Kinesis
          • Dynamo
          • Agents
          • Sets
      • Long id
        • The ID of the record to update
      • String collisionPolicy
        • "MergeOverwrite" or "Overwrite"
          • "MergeOverwrite" will replace the existing properties in the record ID with only those included in the call
          • "Overwrite" will replace all properties in the record ID with those in the call
      • Map props
        • Dictionary of properties making up the configuration with the following keys and datatypes:
          • General
            • Id (long)

            • Enabled (bool)

          • Kinesis
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) 

            • Enabled (bool) 

            • UseAwsKeys (bool)(added 4.0.22)
            • AwsAccessKey (str) 

            • AwsSecretKey (str) 

            • EnableSessionTokens (bool) 

            • RoleARN (str) 

            • SessionDuration (int) 

            • RoleSessionName (str) 

            • StreamName (str) 

            • FirehoseStream (bool) 

            • AwsRegion (str) 

            • AwsSetId (long) 

            • HistoryEnabled (bool) 

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19) 
            • FlushPeriod (long) 

            • PartitionKeyCount (int) 

            • PartitionKeyPattern (str) 

            • MaxSize (int) 

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • Dynamo
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) 

            • Enabled (bool) 

            • AwsAccessKey (str) 

            • AwsSecretKey (str) 

            • TableName (str) 

            • AwsRegion (str) 

            • AwsSetId (long) 

            • HistoryEnabled (bool) 

            • HistoryStoreType (str) "In_Memory" or "Disk_Backed" (added 4.0.17)

            • MessageCapacity (int)(deprecated 4.0.19)

            • HistoryMaxSize (int)(added 4.0.22)
            • HistoryMaxAge (int)(added 4.0.19) 

            • FlushPeriod (long) 

            • H2dbPort (int)(added 4.0.22)
          • Agents
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) (added 4.0.17)
            • Enabled (bool) (added 4.0.17)
            • TagProvider (str) 

            • TagPath (str) 

            • PushTrigger (str) "EVENT_DRIVEN" or "PERIODIC" 

            • TagPacingPeriod (long) 

            • ConvertUdts (bool) 

            • PublishUdtDefinitions (bool) 

            • OptimizeUdts (bool) 

            • AwsSetId (long) 

            • GroupId (str) 

            • EdgeNodeId (str) 

            • DeviceId (str) 

            • FilteredProperties (str) 

          • Sets
            • Id (long) 

            • Name (str) 

            • Description (str) 

            • PushPolicy (str) "PUSH_TO_ALL" or "PUSH_TO_ANY"

    • Return Value
      • A map representing the updated configuration after it has been written to the database. (added 4.0.16)
  • Anchor
    deleteConfig, id) → void

    • Parameters
      • String type
        • The type of configuration to delete with valid options:

          • Kinesis
          • Dynamo
          • Agents
          • Sets
      • Long id
        • The ID of the record to delete
    • Return Value
      • True if the record was successfully deleted otherwise False is returned (added 4.0.16)
