Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Configuration Options

IoT Bridge for Snowflake is configured with a configuration file on the filesystem of the AWS or Azure instance.


Also note after modifying the configuration, the application must be restarted. This can be done with the following command.

/etc/init.d/ibsnow restart
 systemctl restart ibsnow

The path to the configuration file is:


Once you open the file, you will see the following options.

Code Block
# The IBSNOW instance friendly name. If ommitted, it will become 'IBSNOW-ec2-instance-id'


#ibsnow_instance_name = 


# The Cloud region the IoT Bridge for Snowflake instance is in


# ibsnow_cloud_region = us-east-1


# MQTT Server definitions. IoT Bridge for Snowflake supports multiple MQTT Servers. Each definition must include and 'index' as shown


# below represented by 'X'. The first should begin with 1 and each additional server definition should have an index of 1 greater


# than the previous.


# mqtt_server_url.X                     # The MQTT Server URL


# mqtt_server_name.X                    # The MQTT Server name


# mqtt_username.X                       # The MQTT username (if required by the MQTT Server)


# mqtt_password.X                       # The MQTT password (if required by the MQTT Server)


# mqtt_keepalive_timeout.X              # The MQTT keep-alive timeout in seconds


# mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.X             # The 


filepath to the TLS Certificate Authority certificate chain


# mqtt_client_cert_path.X               # The 


filepath to the Device TLS certificate


# mqtt_client_private_key_path.X        # The 


filepath to the Device TLS private key


# mqtt_client_private_key_password.X    # The Device TLS private key password


# mqtt_verify_hostname.X                # Whether or not to verify the hostname against the server certificate


# mqtt_client_id.X                      # The Client ID of the MQTT Client


# mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.X        # The Sparkplug subscriptions to issue when connecting to the MQTT Server.


                    # By default this is spBv1.0/# but can be scoped more narrowly (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#)


                                        # It can also be a comma separated list (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#,spBv1.0/Group2/#)


mqtt_server_url.1 = ssl://REPLACE_WITH_MQTT_SERVER_ENDPOINT:8883


mqtt_server_name.1 = My MQTT Server


mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.1 = spBv1.0/#


#mqtt_keepalive_timeout.1 = 30


#mqtt_verify_hostname.1 = true


#mqtt_username.1 =


#mqtt_password.1 =


#mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/


#mqtt_client_cert_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/


#mqtt_client_private_key_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/


#mqtt_client_private_key_password.1 =


#mqtt_client_id.1 =


# The Sparkplug sequence reordering timeout in milliseconds


sequence_reordering_timeout = 5000


# Whether or not to block auto-rebirth requests


#block_auto_rebirth = false


# The primary host ID if this is the acting primary host


#primary_host_id =


# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom client name for the connection (e.g. MyClient)


snowflake_streaming_client_name = IBSNOWClient


# Snowflake streaming connection properties - The scheme to use for channels and their names


# This MUST be one of the following: STATIC, GROUP_ID, EDGE_ID


# STATIC - means to use a single channel. If using this mode, the snowflake_streaming_channel_name


# GROUP_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID for the channel name on incoming data


# EDGE_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID and the Edge Node ID for the channel name on incoming data


# DEVICE_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID, Edge Node ID, and Device ID for the channel name on incoming data


snowflake_streaming_channel_scheme = EDGE_ID


# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom channel name for the connection (e.g. MyChannel)


# If this is left blank/empty, Channel names of the Sparkplug Group ID will be used instead of a single channel


# snowflake_streaming_channel_name =


# Snowflake streaming connection properties - The Table name associated with the Database and Schema already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyTable)


snowflake_streaming_table_name = SPARKPLUG_RAW


# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Database name associated with the connection that is already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyDb)


snowflake_notify_db_name = cl_bridge_node_db


# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Schema name associated with the Database already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. PUBLIC)


snowflake_notify_schema_name = stage_db


# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Warehouse name associated with the notifications already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. PUBLIC)


snowflake_notify_warehouse_name = cl_bridge_ingest_wh


# Whether or not to create and update IBSNOW infomational tracking metrics


# ibsnow_metrics_enabled = true


# The Sparkplug Group ID to use for IBSNOW asset names


ibsnow_metrics_sparkplug_group_id = IBSNOW


# The 'Bridge Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets


ibsnow_metrics_bridge_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = Bridge Info


# The 'Edge Node Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets


ibsnow_metrics_edge_node_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = Edge Node Info


# The 'MQTT Client Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets


ibsnow_metrics_mqtt_client_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = MQTT Client Info


# Whether or not to send notification tasks to Snowflake based on incoming Sparkplug events


snowflake_notify_task_enabled = true


# The number of threads to use for BIRTH handling in Snowflake


# snowflake_notify_task_birth_thread_count = 100


# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving an NBIRTH before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)


snowflake_notify_nbirth_task_delay = 10000


# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving a DBIRTH or DATA message before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)


snowflake_notify_data_task_delay = 5000

Configuration Examples

Cirrus Link's Chariot MQTT Server using a real signed TLS certification

If you are using AWS IoT Core Cirrus Link's Chariot MQTT Server using a real signed TLS certification then your configuration file should look similar to the one below.


Code Block
titleChariot MQTT Server using a real signed TLS certificate
# The IBSNOW instance friendly name. If ommitted, it will become 'IBSNOW-ec2-instance-id'


#ibsnow_instance_name = 


# The 


Cloud region the IoT Bridge 


for Snowflake instance is in


# ibsnow_cloud_region = us-east-1

# MQTT Server definitions. IoT Bridge for 








MQTT Servers. Each definition must include and 'index' as shown
# below represented by 'X'. The first should begin with 1 and each additional server definition should have an index of 1 greater
# than the previous.
# mqtt_server_url.X                     # The MQTT Server URL
# mqtt_server_name.X                    # The MQTT Server name
# mqtt_username.X                       # The MQTT username (if required by the MQTT Server)
# mqtt_password.X                       # The MQTT password (if required by the MQTT Server)
# mqtt_keepalive_timeout.X              # The MQTT keep-alive timeout in seconds
# mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.X             # The filepath to the TLS Certificate Authority certificate chain
# mqtt_client_cert_path.X               # The filepath to the TLS certificate
# mqtt_client_private_key_path.X        # The filepath to the TLS private key
# mqtt_client_private_key_password.X    # The TLS private key password
# mqtt_verify_hostname.X                # Whether or not to verify the hostname against the server certificate
# mqtt_client_id.X                      # The Client ID of the MQTT Client
# mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.X        # The Sparkplug subscriptions to issue when connecting to the MQTT Server.
                    # By default this is spBv1.0/# but can be scoped more narrowly (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#)
                                        # It can also be a comma separated list (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#,spBv1.0/Group2/#)

mqtt_server_url.1 = ssl://
mqtt_server_name.1 = Chariot MQTT Server
mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.1 = spBv1.0/#
#mqtt_keepalive_timeout.1 = 30
#mqtt_verify_hostname.1 = true
mqtt_username.1 = admin
mqtt_password.1 = changeme
#mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/myCACert.epm
#mqtt_client_cert_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/myClientcert.pem
#mqtt_client_private_key_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/myPrivateKey.pem
#mqtt_client_private_key_password.1 =
#mqtt_client_id.1 =

# The Sparkplug sequence reordering timeout in milliseconds
sequence_reordering_timeout = 5000

# Whether or not to block auto-rebirth requests
#block_auto_rebirth = false

# The primary host ID if this is the acting primary host
primary_host_id = IamHost

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom client name for the connection (e.g. MyClient)
snowflake_streaming_client_name = IBSNOWClient

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - The scheme to use for channels and their names
# This MUST be one of the following: STATIC, GROUP_ID, EDGE_ID
# STATIC - means to use a single channel. If using this mode, the snowflake_streaming_channel_name
# GROUP_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID for the channel name on incoming data
# EDGE_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID and the Edge Node ID for the channel name on incoming data
# DEVICE_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID, Edge Node ID, and Device ID for the channel name on incoming data
snowflake_streaming_channel_scheme = EDGE_ID

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom channel name for the connection (e.g. MyChannel)
# If this is left blank/empty, Channel names of the Sparkplug Group ID will be used instead of a single channel
# snowflake_streaming_channel_name =

# Snowflake streaming connection properties -


 The Table name associated with the Database and Schema already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. 






table_name = 



# Snowflake 


notify connection properties - 










with the connection 


that is 


already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyDb)
snowflake_notify_db_name = cl_bridge_node_db

# Snowflake notify connection properties - The 


Schema name associated with the Database




already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. 








schema_name = 



# Snowflake notify connection properties - The 


Warehouse name associated with the 


notifications already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. 






warehouse_name = cl_bridge_



# Whether or not to create and update IBSNOW infomational tracking metrics
# ibsnow_metrics_enabled = true

# The Sparkplug Group ID to use for IBSNOW asset names
ibsnow_metrics_sparkplug_group_id = IBSNOW

# The 'Bridge Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets
ibsnow_metrics_bridge_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = Bridge Info

# The 'Edge Node Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets
ibsnow_metrics_edge_node_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = Edge Node Info

# The 'MQTT Client Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW 




node_id = 


MQTT Client Info

# Whether or not to send notification tasks to Snowflake based on incoming Sparkplug events


snowflake_notify_task_enabled = true


# The number of threads to use for BIRTH handling in Snowflake
# snowflake_notify_task_birth_thread_count = 100

# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving an NBIRTH before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)


snowflake_notify_nbirth_task_delay = 10000


# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving a DBIRTH or DATA message before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)


snowflake_notify_data_task_delay = 5000

AWS IoT Core

If you are using Cirrus Link's Chariot MQTT Server using a real signed TLS certification AWS IoT Core then your configuration file should look similar to the one below.

Code Block
titleAWS IoT Core
# The IBSNOW instance friendly name. If ommitted, it will become 'IBSNOW-ec2-instance-id'


#ibsnow_instance_name = 


# The Cloud region the IoT Bridge for Snowflake instance is in


# ibsnow_cloud_region = us-east-1


# MQTT Server definitions. IoT Bridge for Snowflake supports multiple MQTT Servers. Each definition must include and 'index' as shown


# below represented by 'X'. The first should begin with 1 and each additional server definition should have an index of 1 greater


# than the previous.


# mqtt_server_url.X                     # The MQTT Server URL


# mqtt_server_name.X                    # The MQTT Server name


# mqtt_username.X                       # The MQTT username (if required by the MQTT Server)


# mqtt_password.X                       # The MQTT password (if required by the MQTT Server)


# mqtt_keepalive_timeout.X              # The MQTT keep-alive timeout in seconds


# mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.X             # The 


filepath to the TLS Certificate Authority certificate chain


# mqtt_client_cert_path.X               # The 


filepath to the TLS certificate


# mqtt_client_private_key_path.X        # The 


filepath to the TLS private key


# mqtt_client_private_key_password.X    # The TLS private key password


# mqtt_verify_hostname.X                # Whether or not to verify the hostname against the server certificate


# mqtt_client_id.X                      # The Client ID of the MQTT Client


# mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.X        # The Sparkplug subscriptions to issue when connecting to the MQTT Server.


                    # By default this is spBv1.0/# but can be scoped more narrowly (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#)


                                        # It can also be a comma separated list (e.g. spBv1.0/Group1/#,spBv1.0/Group2/#)


mqtt_server_url.1 = ssl://



mqtt_server_name.1 = AWS 


IoT Core MQTT Server


mqtt_sparkplug_subscriptions.1 = spBv1.0/#


#mqtt_keepalive_timeout.1 = 30


#mqtt_verify_hostname.1 = true


#mqtt_username.1 =


#mqtt_password.1 =


mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/


mqtt_client_cert_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/


mqtt_client_private_key_path.1 = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/


#mqtt_client_private_key_password.1 =


#mqtt_client_id.1 =


# The Sparkplug sequence reordering timeout in milliseconds


sequence_reordering_timeout = 5000


# Whether or not to block auto-rebirth requests


#block_auto_rebirth = false


# The primary host ID if this is the acting primary host


primary_host_id = IamHost


# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom client name for the connection (e.g. MyClient)


snowflake_streaming_client_name = IBSNOWClient


# Snowflake streaming connection properties - The scheme to use for channels and their names


# This MUST be one of the following: STATIC, GROUP_ID, EDGE_ID


# STATIC - means to use a single channel. If using this mode, the snowflake_streaming_channel_name


# GROUP_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID for the channel name on incoming data


# EDGE_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID and the Edge Node ID for the channel name on incoming data


# DEVICE_ID - means to use the Sparkplug Group ID, Edge Node ID, and Device ID for the channel name on incoming data


snowflake_streaming_channel_scheme = EDGE_ID


# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom channel name for the connection (e.g. MyChannel)


# If this is left blank/empty, Channel names of the Sparkplug Group ID will be used instead of a single channel


# snowflake_streaming_channel_name =


# Snowflake streaming connection properties - The Table name associated with the Database and Schema already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyTable)


snowflake_streaming_table_name = SPARKPLUG_RAW


# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Database name associated with the connection that is already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyDb)


snowflake_notify_db_name = cl_bridge_node_db


# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Schema name associated with the Database already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. PUBLIC)


snowflake_notify_schema_name = stage_db


# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Warehouse name associated with the notifications already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. PUBLIC)


snowflake_notify_warehouse_name = cl_bridge_ingest_wh


# Whether or not to create and update IBSNOW infomational tracking metrics


# ibsnow_metrics_enabled = true


# The Sparkplug Group ID to use for IBSNOW asset names


ibsnow_metrics_sparkplug_group_id = IBSNOW


# The 'Bridge Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets


ibsnow_metrics_bridge_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = Bridge Info


# The 'Edge Node Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets


ibsnow_metrics_edge_node_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = Edge Node Info


# The 'MQTT Client Info' Sparkplug Edge Node ID to use for IBSNOW assets


ibsnow_metrics_mqtt_client_info_sparkplug_edge_node_id = MQTT Client Info


# Whether or not to send notification tasks to Snowflake based on incoming Sparkplug events


snowflake_notify_task_enabled = true


# The number of threads to use for BIRTH handling in Snowflake


# snowflake_notify_task_birth_thread_count = 100


# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving an NBIRTH before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)


snowflake_notify_nbirth_task_delay = 10000


# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving a DBIRTH or DATA message before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)


snowflake_notify_data_task_delay = 5000