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The ABB Totalflow driver module provides a configuration section to the Ignition Gateway.  These can be seen in the Configure section of the Ignition Gateway web UI on the left panel near the bottom. Once in the configuration screen there will be a link to create new global Array-Register definitions.  Click the link shown below to create a new one.

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Note that it is the best practice to add global Array-Register definitions before any Totalflow device connections are defined. If an Array-Register definition is added later, it needs to be added to a device connection manually. Even if device connection has the 'Add All Array-Register Definitions' option turned on, new global Array-Register definition will not be applied unless either added manually or device configuration is re-submitted.

When creating a new global Array-Register definition, only a name and a Totalflow INI file(s) needs to be specified.  The name can be any unique name that describes the Array-Register definitions included in submitted file(s). Totalflow INI files are configuration files for use with
PCCU and G2-G5 and NGC devices. Note that multiple Totalflow INI files need to be supplied in a ZIP archive. 

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Note that definition archive file may contain lots of INI files. For example, the file shown above contains 1477 files.  So it worth explaining how the ABB Totalflow driver selects which files to parse...  When global Array-Register definitions are applied to a device connection, the driver uses application revision information obtained during the 'auto-discovery' process described later in this document and selects INI file names that match application revision and variant numbers.  As an example, below is application information obtained during the auto-discovery:

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Note that since the revision number for the AGA3-1 meter application is 2101306-006, the INI parser will look for the 2101306-006.ini file in submitted ZIP archive. If no direct match is found, it will look for the another possible match based on the revision number (i.e. 2101306) and revision variant (i.e. 005 and lower).  Also note that user has a way to check what INI files were picked by the driver as a source of Array-Register definitions. This information can be obtained form default Array-Register template generated by the driver by following the 'View INI Files' link as shown below:

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Below is an example that shows a portion the 2101306-006.ini file for the AGA3 Tube Application:


So the driver parses selected INI file and uses the info (i.e. Array-Register definitions) to generate Array-Register templates as shown below.  Note how highlighted (bold) lines shown above correlate to Array-Register Templates shown below.  Let's look at the 'dsc:N2 Live;cmd:4.3.46;typ:F;' line in more details... The point description (i.e. N2 Live) is being used as a tag name. The 'typ:F' is the data type (i.e. floating point). Finally, the '4.3.46' defines the AAR (i.e. application, array, and register). Note that 4 is not an application slot number, but application enumeration. As a result, a default Array-Register Template is generated by the driver for a specific application enumeration, and it contains all Array-Register points found in appropriate INI files.

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EFM Mappings


The Periodic Mappings tab shows all uploaded Periodic Mapping files.

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A new Periodic History Mapping can be added by clicking on the "Create New Periodic Mapping..." link.

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Main Properties


Once done you will see the following.  Click the 'Create new Device...' link to create the ABB Totalflow device connection.

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After clicking the 'Create new Device...' link you will see the following.  Select the 'EFM ABB Totalflow' and click 'Next' at the bottom of the page.

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When creating a new device you will see the following:

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The following describes the parameters that can be set here:


Once the device is created, you should see it is listed in the devices section with a status of either 'Auto-discovery', or 'Connected' on success or "Not Connected" or "Security Failed" on failure.

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The next sections will show the rest of the configuration that will complete the setup. As a first step, go to the 'Devices' configuration page and click the 'More' button. A drop-down menu with the following five options options will be displayed as shown below:

  • Totalflow Applications
  • Array-Register Definitions
  • Array-Register Templates
  • Poll Groups
  • delete

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Configuring Totalflow Applications

The 'Totalflow Applications' configuration panel is populated by the 'auto-discovery' process that takes place on device startup or reconfiguration. Below is an example of what can be displayed on this panel:

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At this point, user can enable or disable polling on any listed application and save the changes. Note that polling on all 'Tube' applications is enabled by default.


The next step is to add appropriate global Array-Register definitions to this device connection. Do so by clicking the 'More' drop-down button and selecting 'Array-Register Definitions' as shown below:

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You should now see an empty list of Array-Register definitions (unless you used the "Add All Array-Register Definitions" setting).  Click the 'Add Row' link that is shown below. This will show a new Array-Register definition with a select box to allow you to select which global Array-Register definition you want to associate with this device. Add as many as are appropriate for your device as shown below:

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When complete, save the list and you will be taken back to the Devices list.


With the Array-Register definitions now defined for this device we can create some Array-Register templates to allow creation of Application-Array-Register (AAR) poll groups. Note that the ABB Totalflow driver is capable of generating default Array-Register templates - one per each enabled application type (i.e. application enumeration). If ABB Totalflow device connection was created with the 'Auto-generate Templates and Poll Group' setting turned on, the following default Array-Register templates will be generated for the Totalflow applications shown above:

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These default templates for each application type will contain all Array-Register points obtained from applied Array-Register definitions that are applicable for this application enumeration. An example of this default template entry page is shown below:

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At this point you can do the following:


With Array-Register templates already defined, you can now create Application-Array-Register (AAR) poll groups. Note that if ABB Totalflow device connection was created with the 'Auto-generate Templates and Poll Group' setting turned on, the driver will create a default poll group. This default poll group will have one entry per each application enabled on the Totalflow Applications Configuration Panel as shown below:

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As shown on the picture above, each poll group entry has the following fields:


At this point, the ABB Totalflow device should be fully configured.  To view data in Ignition launch Ignition Designer and open the OPC Tag Browser as shown below.  You should see the tags being polled from the ABB Totalflow device as shown below.  You can use these tags as any standard OPC tags in Ignition.

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Viewing Alarm, Event, and Periodic and Daily History data


  • Central Gateway
    • Install and configure MQTT Engine
      • Add/update the Server configuration to point to the MQTT server
    • Install MQTT Recorder and configure it to use SQL database connection (previously set up in the Ignition Gateway)
  • Edge Gateway
    • Install and configure MQTT Transmission
      • Add/update the Transmitter configuration and/or the Tag folders so that an Edge Node is reporting with a Group ID, Edge Node ID, and Device ID (for example: G1, E1, D1)
      • Add/update the Server configuration to point to the MQTT server
      • Click the "Transmission Control/Refresh" Tag to make sure it is connected and reporting.
    • Install and configure EFM ABB Totalflow module
      • [IMPORTANT] Must have a Sparkplug Group ID, Edge Node ID, and Device ID specified in the device configuration that matches the Edge Node/Device that MQTT Transmission is reporting on
      • The Event, and/or History poll rates in the ABB Totalflow driver device configuration must be greater than zero depending on which data you wish to collect. This is shown on the first picture below.
      • Another option obtain Events, and/or History data is to set respective poll rates to zero and set the 'Record Info Scan Rate' option to a positive number as shown the second picture below:
      • Also note that Alarms can come from two sources:
          • Alarms are obtained form the Log Period records (Array 250). 
          • In this case the 'Alarm Scan Rate' should be set to -1.
          • Alarms are obtained form  
          • Only on meters with the enhanced option turned on.

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When all of these conditions are met, alarm, event, and/or history data will be collected, published, and stored via MQTT Recorder in the configured database.
