Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Name
    • Device name
  • Description
    • Device description
  • Enabled
    • Device enabled


  • Board Type
    • G3 - ABB G3 Flow Computer
    • G4 - ABB G4 Flow Computer
    • NGC - ABB Natural Gas Chromatograph


  • Hostname
    • Hostname or IP address of the device
  • TCP Port
    • TCP Port of the device.
  • Socket Timeout
    • TCP socket operation (i.e. connect and read) timeout in seconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. To use system default, set to -1.
  • Connection Type
    • Connection type selector. Either maintain one connection or establish new connection per each transaction. The ON_DEMAND option is recommended.
      • PERSISTENT - The ABB Totalflow driver keeps a TCP connection open and this connection is being shared by all polling threads.
      • ON DEMAND - A TCP connection is opened by each polling thread when it needs to poll and closed upon completion. Note that ABB Totalflow device still allows only one connection at a time.

Auto Setup

  • Enable auto-discovery
    • Enables ABB Totalflow driver to run application auto-discovery at startup and re-configuration.
  • Add All Array-Register Definitions
    • Automatically add all the Array-Register definitions configured within the ABB Totoalflow driver module.
  • Auto-Generate Templates and Poll Groups
    • Automatically generates default Array-Register templates and default poll group on startup and reconfiguration. Note that default Array-Register template will be generated for specific application type (enumeration ) if polling is enabled (see the 'Totalflow Applications Panel' below) for at least one of applications of this type. Another requirement for the default Array-Register template to be generated is that there should not be no any custom template for this application type.    

DB2 Protocol

  • Station ID
    • Station ID of this ABB Totalflow device
  • Keep Alive
    • Time interval (in seconds) between 'keep-alive' polls that may be required to maintain PERSISTENT connection if ABB Totalflow device is configured to disconnect on inactivity. To disable 'keep-alive' polls, set to 0. 
  • Host Timeout
    • Timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for a reply from the host. The default value is 3000 milliseconds.
  • Poll EOT Timeout
    • Time (in milliseconds) to wait to ensure there are no more packets to receive. The default value is 700 milliseconds.
  • Auto-Discovery EOT timeout
    • Time (in milliseconds) to wait to ensure there are no more packets to receive during auto-discovery. The default value is 2000 milliseconds. 
  • Number Retries
    • Number of retries if DB2 request is NAKed.
  • Supervisory Frames
    • Number of DB2 supervisory frames.
  • Password
    • DB2 Protocol Security Code. If device is set with default security code of 0000, leave blank.
  • Add All Array-Register Definitions
    • Automatically add all the Array-Register definitions configured within the ABB Totoalflow driver module.


  • RBAC Enabled
    • Enables Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is enabled on the device and therefore the X_RBAC frame needs to be included in the DB2 request message.
  • Operator ID
    • Operator ID.  If RBAC is not enabled on the device, leave blank.
  • Password
    • Operator password. If RBAC is enabled on the device, leave blank.


When all ABB Totalflow devices are configured, the Devices page will look as shown below:

To finish configuring ABB Totalflow device, the following four things (as detailed in EFM ABB Totalflow Quickstart document) need to be done:

  • Review auto-discovered applications and choose which application driver needs to poll.

  • Specify Array-Register Definitions (only if the "Add All Array-Register Definitions" configuration option was not enabled)

  • Review default Array-Register Templates generated based on provided Array-Register definitions per each Totalflow application enumeration obtained during auto-discovery. Note that default Array-Register Template entry will be generated for application enumeration only if at lease one of installed application of this type is enabled. Default Array-Register templates can be modified by either editing or by importing Array-Regsiter template CSV file.

  • Configure default TLP Poll Group by enabling poll group entries as shown below:

When this is done, the 'Devices' configuration page will show the 'Status'


for each device


changed from 'Connected' to 'Polling'.