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The Chariot Security Service can be configured to add an LDAP Realm to use when authenticating and authorizing access via the Chariot UI. Each LDAP Realm uses a simple bind authentication to connect to the LDAP server to search for users and groups. A user that is logging in to the Chariot UI will have their username mapped to the distinguished name (DN) of an LDAP entry using a configure template (see below).  Chariot will use simple bind authentication to authenticate the user and will search for group membership to determine the corresponding Chariot Role membership using the configured mapping.

This feature is available in Chariot v2.4.2 and newer

Adding a Microsoft Active Directory source


  1. Navigate to the following page:

    CONFIGURATION → Accounts → Sources
  2. Click on the Add Source button and select the "LDAP" Source Type to bring up the Source configuration form

  3. Enter the LDAP directory configuration (see the table below for information on the configuration fields and click the Add button in the bottom right of the form when finished entering the configuration.
  4. Click on the newly created Source entry to inspect the Configuration, Users, and Roles.

Configuration Fields:

NameXA unique name for this source configuration
A boolean indicating if the LDAP Realm should be enabledtrue
HostXThe IP address or hostname of the directory server
PortXThe port number of the directory server389
Whether to use a TLS encrypted connectionfalse
System UsernameXThe Distinguished Name (DN) used to authenticate with the directory server
System PasswordXThe password used to authenticate with the directory server
User Search BaseXThe base Distinguished Name (DN) for searching for users in the directory serverou=users,dc=example,dc=com
User DN TemplateXThe template for building the user's Distinguished Name (DN)uid={0},ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
User List Filter
The search filter for listing users(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=*))
User Name Attribute
The directory server attribute that represents the short name of the useruid
User Full Name Attributes
The directory server attribute that represents the full name of the usercn
Group Search BaseXThe base Distinguished Name (DN) for searching for groups in the directory serverou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
Group Search Filter
The search filter for querying groups in the directory server(objectClass=groupOfNames)
Group Name Attribute
The directory server attribute that represents the group namecn
Group To Role MappingXA comma separated mapping of directory server group names to Chariot role names
How Chariot should handle referrals returned by the directory server ('ignore' or 'follow')ignore
Connect Timeout
The maximum time in milliseconds that Chariot will attempt a connection to the directory server10000
Read Timeout
The maximum time in milliseconds that Chariot will attempt a read with the directory server5000
Enable Cache
Whether results from the directory serve should be cached locallytrue
Cache Timeout
The period of time cached results will be held before needing to be updated10000