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For each connected Edge Node, a Node Control and Node Info folder containing tags is created along with a Device Info folder for each connected device.

The tables below describes describe these tags.

Table of Contents


The tags below are general information tags with respect to Sparkplug Edge Nodes. These are created, managed and updated by MQTT Engine based on messages arriving from each given Edge Node.

NameData TypeDescription
bdSeqLongThe last bdSeq number sent by the Edge Node in an NBIRTH message

Birth Count


The number of NBIRTH messages since the last time the info metrics were reset via the Node Info/Reset Info tag

Current ServerStringThe current MQTT Server the Edge Node is connected to
Data Latency (ms)Long

The time in milliseconds between MQTT Engine receiving of the last message and the payload's reported time. Note: For this to be very accurate the edge node's clock and the system clock running MQTT Engine should be synced

Death CountLongThe number of NDEATH messages since the last time the info metrics were reset via the Node Info/Reset Info tag
Message SchemaStringThe schema associated with the Edge Node (e.g. Sparkplug B)
Offline DateTimeDateTimeThe time at which the last NDEATH message was received by MQTT Engine
OnlineBooleanWhether or not the Edge Node is online. This is determined by whether the last lifecycle message was an NBIRTH or NDEATH
Online DateTimeDateTimeThe time at which the last NBIRTH message was received by MQTT Engine
Reset InfoBooleanWritable tag to 'reset' the Node Info metrics
seqLongThe last Sparkplug seq number received from the Edge Node
Total Bytes Recvd (bytes)LongThe number of bytes received from the Edge Node since the last time the info metrics were reset via the Node Info/Reset Info tag
Total Bytes Xmit (bytes)Long

The number of bytes sent to the Edge Node since the last time the info metrics were reset via the Node Info/Reset Info tag

Transmission VersionStringThe version of MQTT Transmission installed at the Edge Node

Device Info

The tags below are general information tags with respect to Sparkplug Devices. These are created, managed and updated by MQTT Engine based on messages arriving from each given Device.

NameData TypeDescription
Birth CountLongThe number of DBIRTH messages since the last time the info metrics were reset via the Device Info/Reset Info tag
Data Message CountLongThe number of DDATA messages since the last time the info metrics were reset via the Device Info/Reset Info tag
Death CountLongThe number of DDEATH messages since the last time the info metrics were reset via the Device Info/Reset Info tag
Last Command Size (bytes)LongThe size in bytes of the last DCMD that was sent from MQTT Engine
Last Data Message Size (bytes)LongThe size in bytes of the last DDATA that was received from the Device
Offline DateTimeDateTimeThe time at which the last DDEATH message was received by MQTT Engine
OnlineBooleanWhether or not the Device is online. This is determined by whether the last lifecycle message was an DBIRTH or NBIRTH
Online DateTimeDateTime

The time at which the last DBIRTH message was received by MQTT Engine

Reset InfoBoolean

Writable tag to 'reset' the Device Info metrics

Engine Control

Primary Host


NameData TypeDescription
Redundancy RoleStringThe redundancy configuration of the Ignition system that MQTT engine is installed on. Options are Independent, Master and Backup
Redundancy StateStringThe redundancy status of the Ignition system that MQTT engine is installed on. Options are Active or Cold
System-Wide Reset InfoBooleanWriteable tag to 'reset' all Engine metrics
Total Bytes Recvd (bytes)IntegerThe number of bytes received by Engine since the last time the info metrics were reset via the System-Wide Reset Info tag
Total Bytes Xmit (bytes)IntegerThe number of bytes sent from Engine since the last time the info metrics were reset via the System-Wide Reset Info tag
Total Data Mesg CountIntegerThe number of messages received by Engine since the last time the info metrics were reset via the System-Wide Reset Info tag
VersionStringThe version MQTT Engine currently installed
