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Code Block
# A unique name for this IBAZ instance
ibaz_instance_name = <name>

# Domain
domain = <domain>

# The tenant ID of the application
# FoundSet fromto your Azure Active Directory > App registrations > Application > Directory (tenant) ID
tenant_id = <tenant_id>

# The client ID of the application
# FoundSet fromto your Azure Active Directory > App registrations > Application > Application (client) ID
app_client_id = <app_client_id>

# The secret value for the AAD application
# FoundSet fromto your Azure Active Directory > App registrations > Application > Certificates & secrets > Value
client_secret = <client_secret>

# ADT Endpoint
# FoundSet fromto your Azure Digital Twins service instance > Host name prefixed with https://
adt_endpoint = <endpoint>

# The MQTT Server URL
mqtt_server_url = tcp://localhost:1883

# The MQTT Server name
mqtt_server_name = Local MQTT Server

# The MQTT username (if required by the MQTT Server)
mqtt_username = admin

# The MQTT password (if required by the MQTT Server)
mqtt_password = changeme

# Whether to update models on new births
force_model_updates = true

# The MQTT keep-alive timeout in seconds
#mqtt_keepalive_timeout = 30

# The path to the TLS Certificate Authority certificate chain
#mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path = /opt/ibaz/conf/certs/

# The path to the TLS certificate
#mqtt_client_cert_path = /opt/ibaz/conf/certs/

# The path to the TLS private key
#mqtt_client_private_key_path = /opt/ibaz/conf/certs/

# The TLS private key password
#mqtt_client_private_key_password =

# Whether or not to verify the hostname against the server certificate
#mqtt_verify_hostname = false

# Whether or not to block auto-rebirth requests
#block_auto_rebirth = false

# The primary host ID if this is the acting primary host
#primary_host_id =

# The MQTT Client ID - It is recommend to not set this unless there is a specific reason to do so. If this is not set a random client ID will be automatically generated
#client_id =

# The maximum amount of time (ms) to wait for a Sparkplug BIRTH message to finish processing (default 30 min)
#max_birth_processing_time = 108000000

# The amount of time (ms) to wait/delay after a Sparkplug DBIRTH is received to allow for processing
birth_processing_wait_time = 100

# The interval (ms) to check if a Sparkplug NBIRTH has finished processing (default 100 ms)
#birth_processing_check_interval = 100

# String and character conversion
# Note: for space characters use \u00A0
string_convert_0_source = \u00A0
string_convert_0_replacement = _
string_convert_0_regex = false
