This is only supported in the current NIGHTLY version of Azure Injector (as of Mar 3, 2021). This will be made standard in the 4.0.7 release of Azure Injector.



This tutorial will provide step-by-step instructions for the following:

Upon completion of this tutorial you will have an Ignition Gateway with the Azure Injector module connected and publishing live tag data to an Azure IoT Hub which will be configured as a data source for Time Series Insights. Those messages will then be automatically stored in Time Series Insights.


Step 1: Make sure you have completed the Getting Started: Azure Injector Quick Start and Using IoT Hub Message Based Routing

Parts of the environment created and configured in the Quick Start and Message Based Routing tutorial are used in this guide. So, make sure you have completed this before proceeding.

Step 2: Setting up the Time Series Insights environment

Log into to and type 'Time Series Insights Environments' into the search bar at the top as shown below and select 'Time Series Insights Environments'.

After doing so, you should see the following. Click the '+ Add' Button near the top left corner to create a new Time Series Insights Environment.

After clicking the 'Add' button, you will see the following.

Set the Subscription, Resource Group, and environment name, and Location as shown above. Then scroll down. After doing so, you will see the following.

Step 3: Pushing Data to Time Series Insights using Azure Injector

Step 4: Viewing Data in Time Series Insights