When logging into Chariot MQTT Server the first time you will likely get security warnings from your browser due to using a certificate that is not signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).  This is fine, just accept the certificate (typically by clicking an 'advanced' button or something similar depending on the browser type).  Below is an example warning from Google Chrome.

Once you accept the security warning, you should see the following.

Log in using the default Instance Admin credentials:

After doing so you should see the following:

This shows a list of the users that are allowed to connect to the MQTT Server.  By default, there is only one which is 'admin'.  This user is an Instance Admin.  There are three different types of user roles:

Basic Usage of Features

Connecting to Chariot MQTT Server

MQTT.fx is a good free graphical based MQTT client to use for testing with Chariot MQTT Server.  It is Java based so it will run on any OS that supports running graphical based Java applications.

Once downloaded, start it and create a new connection profile called 'Chariot MQTT Server'.  Use the settings shown below.  The default password is 'changeme'.  Everything else can remain at their defaults.

After the connection profile is created, from the main MQTT.fx window, select 'Chariot MQTT Server', and click Connect.

After a valid connection is established, you should see the connection indicator in the top right corner light green as shown below:

If the connection does not get established, check the following:

Once connected, you can use the publish and subscribe buttons in MQTT.fx to send and receive messages.  To send a message and receive it back in this client, do the following.

  1. Subscribe on # to enable this client to receive all messages.  To do so, select the Subscribe tab, Type '#' into the topic window, and click the Subscribe button.  Once done, it should look as follows.

  2. Publish a message on a topic.  To do so, select the Publish tab, 'type test/1/2' into the topic window, and click the Publish button.  Once done, it should look as follows.

  3. Now switch back to the Subscribe tab.  You should see that a message has come in on 'test/1/2' in the lower right pane.

This example isn't very interesting because we're sending and receiving a message from the same client.  But, this exercise does prove the Chariot MQTT Server is up and running properly.