


MQTT Distributor can be enabled to use TLS for encryption of the communication between MQTT clients.  This is useful if MQTT Distributor is used on a public network.  Since MQTT communications are not encrypted by default, enabling TLS is highly recommended on a public network.  There are two ways this can be done.  First is to certificate signed by a publicly trusted certificate authority (CA).  While there are nominal costs associated with this, it is the proper and recommended way to go if communicating over the Internet.  Alternatively, it is possible to create and use a self-signed certificate.  This is useful for debugging and development.  However, it is not recommended in production scenarios over the Internet.  It is, however, a viable option if utilizing a private network in which encryption is a requirement.


Getting a Certificate from a Certificate Authority:

The first step is to get a certificate from a certificate authority (CA).  There are many available such as Verisign, Thawte and RapidSSL. There are also a number of other certificate authorities available. The general process is as follows:


For creating the Java keystore in later steps, these files need to be in Base-64 encoded PEM format.  If the certificate issued by the CA was not in this form, it must be converted to this form.  Openssl is one free tool that can do this.


Creating a Self-Signed Certificate:

Coming Soon...

Using the Certificate to Secure Communication with MQTT Distributor:

Whether you are using a certificate issued by a trusted CA or a self-signed certificate, a Java keystore file must be created for use with MQTT Distributor.  This keystore will contain the public certificate, the private key, and possibly an intermediate certificate if applicable.  There are many ways to create a Java keystore.  In this example, we'll show how it can be done using Keystore Explorer.  It can run on Windows, OSX, or any other OS that can run Java.  It provides an easy to use graphical interface for creating and manipulating Java keystores.  After installing Keystore Explorer, open it and you should see something similar to the following.  It may ask you to modify some of your Java Security settings before starting.  If so, follow the instructions it provides.  Select 'Create a new Keystore'



Select a 'JKS' as the type as shown below:


As this point, we need to pull the required components into the keystore.  We'll start with the public/private keypair.  This is the public certificate and the private key that we originally generated.  Click the 'Import Key Pair' icon from the Keystore Explorer menu.  It is the icon with two keys and a blue downward arrow:


At this point, since the certificate we're using is in Base-64 encoded PEM format.  We select OpenSSL as the type and click OK:


Now we can browse to our key and certificate files as shown below and click import:


Now you will be asked to specify the alias.  You can leave this as the default.  It will reflect the Common Name that was specified during the CSR generation and the CA:


You will now be asked to specify a password for the keypair.  At this point MQTT Distributor does not support passwords on individual keypairs.  It does support passwords on the overall keystore.  We'll add this in later.  So, for now, leave the two password fields blank and click OK.


If your CA also requires an intermediate certificate you must also import that as a trusted certificate.  That is done by clicking the red certificate icon shown below.  If you are using a self-signed certificate, you also need to complete this step using your own CA's public certificate:


Select your trusted certificate as shown below and click ok:

You will be asked to verify the public certificate's details.  They will look similar to the following depending on the CA.  Double check the information and select OK:


You should now see something similar to the following:


At this point, you can save your keystore and specify a keystore poassword.