The sample Python script below will allow you to migrate credentials from MQTT Distributor to Chariot at scale using the MQTT Distributor API and the Chariot REST API. 

The script is designed to run from the Script Console in the Ignition instance where MQTT Distributor is installed and will:


The script requires a number of Python packages to be installed. We have included a download link to third party distributions for these prerequisite libraries which should be extracted into your <IgnitionInstallationDirectory>/user-lib/pylib/site-packages folder if not already present.

The requests package is distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 software license

The urllib3 package is distributed under the terms of the MIT license software license

The chardet package is distributed under the terms of the LGPL v2.1 software license

The certifi package is distributed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0

The idna package is distributed under the terms of the bsd-3-clause license 

Running the script

  1. In Ignition Designer, navigate to Tools > Script Console
  2. Copy the script below
  3. Set the configuration variables for your installation:
  4. Select the Execute button

import requests
import base64
#HTTP call method
def httpCall(method,url,headers,data):
    if method == "POST":
        resp =, headers=headers, data=data)
    if method == "GET":
        resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=data)
    if method == "PUT":
        resp = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=data)
    print "HTTPCall response: " + str(resp.status_code)
    #check for failures on httpCall
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        print "HTTPCall error detail: " + str(resp.json())
    return resp.json()
# Configure Chariot URL and MQTT Distributor users to migrate

#Set URL for your Chariot installation
chariotUrl = "http://localhost:8080"
#Create dictionary for all MQTT Distributor users to be migrated with key/value pairs of UserName/Password
migrateDistributorUsers = {
headers = {}
#Accept Chariot EULA
print "Accept Chariot EULA"
url = chariotUrl + "/eula"
headers["accept"] = "application/json;api-version=1.0"
headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
data = "{\"isAccepted\": true}"
http_response = httpCall("POST",url,headers,data)
#Chariot login using admin user to get bearer token valid for 90 minutes
print "Chariot login and get bearer token"
url = chariotUrl + "/login"
headers["accept"] = "application/json;api-version=1.0"
headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + base64.b64encode("admin:password")
data = {}
http_response = httpCall("POST",url,headers,data)
accessToken = http_response["access_token"]
#Read Distributor users
print "Read MQTT Distributor users"
distributorUsers = system.cirruslink.distributor.readConfig("Users")
#Create new format Access Control Lists (ACLs)
for i in range(len(distributorUsers)):
    subscribeList = ""
    publishList = ""  
    userName = distributorUsers[i]["Username"]
    #check to see if MQTT Distributor user is included in migration list
    if userName in migrateDistributorUsers.keys():
    	print "Migrating MQTT Distributor User: " + userName   
    	password = list(migrateDistributorUsers.values())[list(migrateDistributorUsers.keys()).index(userName)]
    	acls = distributorUsers[i]["ACLs"]
    	acl_list = acls.split(",")
    	for i in range(len(acl_list)):
    	    #check for leading spaces
    	    if acl_list[i][:1] == " ":
    	        acl_list[i] = acl_list[i][1:len(acl_list[i])]
    	    #check for R subscriptions
    	    if acl_list[i][:2] == "R ":
    	        subscription = acl_list[i][2:len(acl_list[i])]
    	        subscription = "\"" + subscription + "\""
    	        subscribeList = subscribeList + subscription + ","
    	    #check for W subscriptions
    	    if acl_list[i][:2] == "W ":
    	        publish = acl_list[i][2:len(acl_list[i])]
    	        publish = "\"" + publish + "\""
    	        publishList = publishList + publish + ","
    	    #check for RW subscription
    	    if acl_list[i][:2] == "RW":
    	        subscription = acl_list[i][3:len(acl_list[i])]
    	        subscription = "\"" + subscription + "\""
    	        subscribeList = subscribeList + subscription + ","
    	        publish = acl_list[i][3:len(acl_list[i])]
    	        publish = "\"" + publish + "\""
    	        publishList = publishList + publish + ","
    	#create Chariot user
    	url = chariotUrl + "/mqttusers"
    	headers["accept"] = "application/json;api-version=1.0"
    	headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
    	headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + accessToken
    	data = "[{\"username\":\"" + userName + "\"," + "\"password\":\"" + password + "\"," + "\"acl\":{\"publishTopics\":[" + publishList[:-1] +"],\"subscribeTopics\":[" + subscribeList[:-1] + "]}}]"
    	print "Creating MQTT Credentials: " + str(data)
    	http_response = httpCall("POST",url,headers,data)
      	print "Not migrating MQTT Distributor User: " + userName
#Read Chariot MQtt Users
print "Reading Chariot MQTT Credentials"
url = chariotUrl + "/mqttusers"
headers["accept"] = "application/json;api-version=1.0"
headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + accessToken
data = {}
chariotMqttUsers = httpCall("GET",url,headers,data)
print "Chariot MQTT Credentials: " + str(chariotMqttUsers)