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MQTT Transmission will publish any non-filtered tag properties which are different from the default Ignition tag property setting, including custom properties, in a BIRTH message.

Tag properties included in a DDATA message are limited to timestamp, dataType, value and quality.


MQTT Transmission can be configured to filter/block tag properties from being published. The filtered properties list is configured here and by default contains:

Code Block

Adding or updating a tag property

When you add or update a property to a tag tag property at the Edge, you will need to perform a Transmission Refresh for the Edge Node. This will force MQTT Transmission to publish a BIRTH sequence for that Edge node with the BIRTH message containing the updated tag property. 

Discrepancy with tag properties at MQTT Engine

If you make tag property changes at MQTT Engine, you will see that these changes are overwritten when the next BIRTH message is received for example on a Transmission refresh or disconnect/reconnect. This  This is because the Edge is considered the 'source of truth' for the tag data and it is recommended that tag properties are made at the Edge and propagated to MQTT Engine.
