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I am interested in IoT Bridge for Snowflake. How do I set it up?

How do I find my Azure MarketPlace Billing ID

Where can I get more information on MQTT Transmission and setting it up?

I have a logging error of "Failed to load the private key based on <PRIVATE KEY>"

I have a warning error of "400 Status"

Is the Ingestion able to handle a UNS Topic Namespace or only Sparkplug B?

Currently, only Sparkplug B is



Where can we find the machine models data?

All machine models can be found in the NODE_MACHINE_REGISTRY_VW view

How does the snowflake_streaming_channel_scheme = EDGE_ID work?

The channel scheme setting defines how IBSNOW connects to the Snowflake streaming endpoint. A channel represents a logical, named streaming connection to Snowflake. When you choose EDGE_ID as your channel scheme, IBSNOW will make a separate connections to the Snowflake streaming endpoint for each unique Sparkplug edge node.


If you are not publishing MQTT Sparkplug messages formatted using Sparkplug templates, these will not be populated as the templates are used to create and maintain the NODE_MACHINE_REGISTRY_VW view. The payload will be present in the SPARKPLUG_RAW table.

If you are using Ignition and MQTT Transmission, you will need to ensure that your Transmitter is configured with Convert UDTs set to False

Are Edge Level UDTs supported?

Currently only device level UDTs are supported.

How do I increase the max heap / max memory allocation for the IoT Bridge?

Update the following configuration option in /opt/ibsnow/yajsw/conf/wrapper.conf (default is 1024MB) = -Xmx1024m

I have data in the SPARKPLUG_RAW table but not in the SPARKPLUG_DEVICE_MESSAGES table

The most common cause is that the stream on the source view is stale. Review the Stream Staleness document on identifying, correcting and avoid future stream staleness 

Azure Marketplace offering fails to deploy with subscription error

I am not getting data uploaded to Snowflake

If you are failing to upload data to Snowflake, check the common items below: 

  • Review our config docs and sanity check your configuration
  • Make sure Ingest user doesn’t have ‘must change password’ set to true
  • Ingest user has been granted the CL_BRIDGE_PROCESS_RL role


