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titlev4.0.24 Sept 16, 2024

titleMQTT Distributor

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleMQTT Engine

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed Alarm handling to support clearing of alarms before acknowledgement

titleMQTT Transmission

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleMQTT Recorder

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleAWS Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleAzure Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleGoogle Cloud Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleEFM ABB Totalflow

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleEFM Emerson ROC

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleOpto22 groov EPIC and SNAPPAC Driver

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titlev4.0.23 Sept 13, 2024

titleMQTT Distributor

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed issue that could cause Distributor to disconnect clients due to not receiving a PINGRESP even when data in still being received
  • Fixed socket close handling when no data is sent to support health checks

titleMQTT Engine

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added support for Alarm events via MQTT with Acknowledgments
  • Added ‘UNS Tag Tree’ support
  • Added ‘Delete UNS’ control tags to better support Edge Node deletion in UNS namespaces
  • Added info tags in MQTT Engine to better track the inbound message queue health
  • Added configuration option for inbound message thread pool sizing
  • Removed ‘URL validation’ is MQTT Engine that prevented duplicate IP/hostname definitions
  • Added support for Python system.cirruslink.engine.publish to take either a Server Name or a Server Set name
  • Added support for a configurable rebirth debounce delay instead of a hardcoded 5s

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Improved thread/queue handling for inbound messages to prevent ‘rebirth storms’
  • Fixed issue where MQTT Engine ‘overrides’ UDT instance member properties if the user has manually modified the Engine side UDT definition member properties
  • Fixed Engine server set migration to create a server set per server definition from Engine prior to adding server set support
  • Fixed issue that could cause MQTT Engine to not properly publish rebirth requests in some cases

titleMQTT Transmission

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added support for Alarm events via MQTT with Acknowledgments
  • Modified RPC clients to only be one per server set
  • Added a configuration option to delay birth fetching to allow consumption of tag change events that may occur with timestamps before ‘now’ and birth fetching
  • Added support for handling of multiple metrics in NCMD and DCMDs
  • Moved payload logging from TransmissionClientManager to TransmissionClient

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed issue where MQTT Engine ‘overrides’ UDT instance member properties if the user has manually modified the Engine side UDT definition member properties
  • Fixed birth creation to reconcile the birth with tag change events during the birth building process
  • Fixed issue that could result in duplicate or incorrect generated aliases
  • Fixed issue that could cause Transmission to erroneously flush history when in-order after failing to publish a birth sequence
  • Fixed timestamp handling of Array, Document, and Dataset types now that Ignition resolved timestamp handling in Ignition 8.1.43
  • Added synchronization around RPC client startup/shutdown to prevent potential thread leak
  • Fixed escaping of table names in the disk-backed history store to support ‘-’ chars in Sparkplug IDs
  • Added/fixed support for null dataset values

titleMQTT Recorder

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleAWS Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added a configuration option to delay birth fetching to allow consumption of tag change events that may occur with timestamps before ‘now’ and birth fetching

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed birth creation to reconcile the birth with tag change events during the birth building process
  • Fixed timestamp handling of Array, Document, and Dataset types now that Ignition resolved timestamp handling in Ignition 8.1.43
  • Fixed escaping of table names in the disk-backed history store to support ‘-’ chars in Sparkplug IDs
  • Added/fixed support for null dataset values

titleAzure Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added a configuration option to delay birth fetching to allow consumption of tag change events that may occur with timestamps before ‘now’ and birth fetching

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed birth creation to reconcile the birth with tag change events during the birth building process
  • Fixed timestamp handling of Array, Document, and Dataset types now that Ignition resolved timestamp handling in Ignition 8.1.43
  • Fixed escaping of table names in the disk-backed history store to support ‘-’ chars in Sparkplug IDs
  • Added/fixed support for null dataset values

titleGoogle Cloud Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added a configuration option to delay birth fetching to allow consumption of tag change events that may occur with timestamps before ‘now’ and birth fetching

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed birth creation to reconcile the birth with tag change events during the birth building process
  • Fixed timestamp handling of Array, Document, and Dataset types now that Ignition resolved timestamp handling in Ignition 8.1.43
  • Fixed escaping of table names in the disk-backed history store to support ‘-’ chars in Sparkplug IDs
  • Added/fixed support for null dataset values

titleEFM ABB Totalflow

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Improved ABB CSV parsing to prevent edge case Exceptions
  • Fixed migration bug around CSV file handling
  • Potential problem when parsing @ROWLOOP @REPLACE with increment above 1

titleEFM Emerson ROC

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleOpto22 groov EPIC and SNAPPAC Driver

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titlev4.0.22 June 20, 2024

titleMQTT Distributor

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed connection issues with clients with no specified client ID
  • Fixed possible minor delay in processing QoS 2 messages
  • Fixed packet identifier warnings in log

titleMQTT Engine

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added support for 'server sets' to MQTT Engine to better support redundancy and more complex architectures

  • Added URL validation to server records
  • Added support for a Sparkplug 'device dataset' in Engine info tags to show all Sparkplug Devices
  • Cleanup/refinement of various info tags
  • Added config UI validation to Topic Token Filters
  • Added support for AWT Colors in DataSets
  • Added support for Array, DataSets, and Document tag properties

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed handling of the Primary Host State info tag when Engine is disabled and config changes

  • Fixed client connections to publish an LWT before unsubscribing from Sparkplug Topics
  • Fixed NPE in edge cases around Rebirth requests
  • Various fixes to UDT collision detection
  • Fixed STATE correction handling in redundant and multi-server environments
  • Fixed potential thread leak on shutdown of MQTT clients
  • Fixed the DEATH message handling so tags with null values are properly 'staled'

titleMQTT Transmission

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added URL validation to server records
  • Added a thread pool to hand off history store writes to keep data flowing smoothly out of Transmission
  • Added support for 'maximum history store size' to prevent history from overrunning memory or disk
  • Added support for AWT Colors in DataSets
  • Added a config UI validator to ensure PHID is set when file 'auto-publish' is enabled as it is required
  • Added support for Array, DataSets, and Document tag properties
  • Made the H2 TCP port configurable
  • General logging cleanup
  • Increated Transmission RPC clients to support 500 in-flight MQTT messages
  • General performance improvements to disk-backed history storage

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed History Store category headings in the config UI
  • Fixed handling of restarted tags to ensure they properly return to a good quality
  • Fixed issue that prevented proper publishing when child UDTs are deleted from a parent UDT and 'convert UDTs' is enabled
  • Moved history store on disk to the 'data' directory to better support redundancy and gateway backups
  • Fixed permissions issue that prevented Transmission from browsing tags when read permissions had been modified on the tag provider
  • Various fixes to UDT collision detection
  • Fixed startup race condition that could result in invalid initial values
  • Various fixes to Transmission info tags
  • Fixed potential NPEs when fetching existing tag paths
  • Fixed handling of numeric parameter values in UDTs

titleMQTT Recorder

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleAWS Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added support for EC2 Instance IAM Roles as an alternative to AWS access/secret keys
  • Added support for 'maximum history store size' to prevent history from overrunning memory or disk
  • Added support for AWT Colors in DataSets
  • Added support for Array, DataSets, and Document tag properties
  • Made the H2 TCP port configurable
  • General logging cleanup
  • General performance improvements to disk-backed history storage

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed handling of restarted tags to ensure they properly return to a good quality
  • Moved history store on disk to the 'data' directory to better support redundancy and gateway backups
  • Fixed permissions issue that prevented Injectors from browsing tags when read permissions had been modified on the tag provider
  • Fixed startup race condition that could result in invalid initial values
  • Fixed potential NPEs when fetching existing tag paths
  • Fixed handling of numeric parameter values in UDTs
  • Fixed dynamic configuration UI handling in Kinesis configuration
  • Fixed support for Kinesis Firehose configurations

titleAzure Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added support for 'maximum history store size' to prevent history from overrunning memory or disk
  • Added support for AWT Colors in DataSets
  • Added support for Array, DataSets, and Document tag properties
  • Made the H2 TCP port configurable
  • General logging cleanup
  • General performance improvements to disk-backed history storage

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed handling of restarted tags to ensure they properly return to a good quality
  • Moved history store on disk to the 'data' directory to better support redundancy and gateway backups
  • Fixed permissions issue that prevented Injectors from browsing tags when read permissions had been modified on the tag provider
  • Fixed startup race condition that could result in invalid initial values
  • Fixed potential NPEs when fetching existing tag paths
  • Fixed handling of numeric parameter values in UDTs
  • Fixed potential NPE when using certificate based auth and no CA cert is defined

titleGoogle Cloud Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added support for 'maximum history store size' to prevent history from overrunning memory or disk
  • Added support for AWT Colors in DataSets
  • Added support for Array, DataSets, and Document tag properties
  • Made the H2 TCP port configurable
  • General logging cleanup
  • General performance improvements to disk-backed history storage

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed handling of restarted tags to ensure they properly return to a good quality
  • Moved history store on disk to the 'data' directory to better support redundancy and gateway backups
  • Fixed permissions issue that prevented Injectors from browsing tags when read permissions had been modified on the tag provider
  • Fixed startup race condition that could result in invalid initial values
  • Fixed potential NPEs when fetching existing tag paths
  • Fixed handling of numeric parameter values in UDTs

titleEFM ABB Totalflow

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added 'Flow Factor', 'Flow Time', and 'Total Volume' column support

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixes to migration code for Totalflow applications
  • Fix to restart polling when auto-discovery completes and ON_DEMAND is being used
  • Fixed flowtime calculation as it was improperly being multiplied by 60

titleEFM Emerson ROC

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added 'Flow Factor', 'Flow Time', and 'Total Volume' column support

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleOpto22 groov EPIC and SNAPPAC Driver

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titlev4.0.21 January 26, 2024

titleMQTT Distributor

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Added custom property support for 'maxOutboundQueueSize'

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleMQTT Engine

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • MQTT Engine now excludes empty property sets on the wire which could result in problems for some Edge Node implementations

  • Modified MQTT Engine to only perform UDT collision detection for MQTT Transmission Sparkplug Edge Nodes

  • Improved logging to not log at info level on ignored tag collisions when a duplicate tag change event is being ignored and is identical to the original

  • Added support for excluding datatypes from CMD messages per the Sparkplug spec

  • Added support for missing datatypes in DATA messages per the Sparkplug spec

  • Added support for 'Binary Data' datatype

  • Added Engine side write support for ByteArray, DateTimeArray, and StringArray datatypes

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed potential erroneous UDT collision warnings in MQTT Engine

  • Fixed potential NPE in UDT collision detection for templates with no parameters

  • Fixed timing issue that could result in Transmission attempting to read tags before the tag provider is started which could result in failure to initialize on startup

titleMQTT Transmission

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Made 'hashing algorithm' names consistent across all modules
  • Increased the default query timeout for disk-backed history stores to improve reliability on underpowered systems
  • Added support for excluding datatypes from DATA messages per the Sparkplug spec
  • Added support for missing datatypes in CMD messages per the Sparkplug spec
  • Added a dedup filter to prevent some edge cases where BIRTH and subsequent DATA messages could include identical tag change events
  • Added support for 'Binary Data' datatype
  • Set defaults for history store configurations

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed multiple edge cases where duplicate tag change events could be sent when they shouldn't be
  • Fixed edge case that could result in some metrics failing to get aliases assigned when aliasing is enabled
  • Fixed support for ByteArray datatypes
  • Fixed potential NPEs when flushing history in-order
  • Fixed issue that could result in live data being mixed in with history during in-order history flush
  • Added Paho bug workaround to minimize leaked Paho threads
  • Fixed dataset deserialization when in use in history stores which resulted in zero values in datasets at MQTT Engine
  • Fixed issue that could result in missing aliases when using aliasing with history stores
  • Removed issue that could result in Ignition shutdown when using disk-backed history store
  • Fixed issue that required a CA cert when using client side cert auth even if using a 'real' CA

titleMQTT Recorder

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Made 'hashing algorithm' names consistent across all modules

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleAWS Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Increased the default query timeout for disk-backed history stores to improve reliability on underpowered systems
  • Added support for 'Binary Data' datatype

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed multiple edge cases where duplicate tag change events could be sent when they shouldn't be
  • Fixed timing issue that could result in Transmission attempting to read tags before the tag provider is started which could result in failure to initialize on startup
  • Fixed support for ByteArray datatypes

  • Fixed dataset deserialization when in use in history stores which resulted in zero values in datasets

  • Added code to ensure a history store is not started if the Injector is disabled

  • Removed issue that could result in Ignition shutdown when using disk-backed history store

titleAzure Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Increased the default query timeout for disk-backed history stores to improve reliability on underpowered systems
  • Added support for 'Binary Data' datatype

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed multiple edge cases where duplicate tag change events could be sent when they shouldn't be
  • Fixed timing issue that could result in Transmission attempting to read tags before the tag provider is started which could result in failure to initialize on startup
  • Fixed support for ByteArray datatypes
  • Added Paho bug workaround to minimize leaked Paho threads
  • Fixed dataset deserialization when in use in history stores which resulted in zero values in datasets
  • Added code to ensure a history store is not started if the Injector is disabled
  • Fixed potential IoT Hub deadlock
  • Removed issue that could result in Ignition shutdown when using disk-backed history store

titleGoogle Cloud Injector

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Modified default configuration to use Clearblade IoT Core endpoint
  • Increased the default query timeout for disk-backed history stores to improve reliability on underpowered systems
  • Added support for 'Binary Data' datatype

titleWhat's Fixed
  • Fixed multiple edge cases where duplicate tag change events could be sent when they shouldn't be
  • Fixed timing issue that could result in Transmission attempting to read tags before the tag provider is started which could result in failure to initialize on startup
  • Fixed support for ByteArray datatypes
  • Added Paho bug workaround to minimize leaked Paho threads
  • Fixed dataset deserialization when in use in history stores which resulted in zero values in datasets
  • Added code to ensure a history store is not started if the Injector is disabled
  • Removed issue that could result in Ignition shutdown when using disk-backed history store

titleEFM ABB Totalflow

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Made 'hashing algorithm' names consistent across all modules

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleEFM Emerson ROC

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • Made 'hashing algorithm' names consistent across all modules

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes

titleOpto22 groov EPIC and SNAPPAC Driver

titleWhat's New or Improved
  • No new features

titleWhat's Fixed
  • No fixes
