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Action at EdgeResultActionResult

Add UDT Definition and UDT Instance

Create TestUDT1 with tag "New Tag" as type Integer with value = 10

Add G1/E1/D1/NewInstance1 as TestUDT1

On add: No change at EngineRefresh Transmission

Folder will be created named as the UDT Instance and UDT member tag will be created under tag folder at Engine

Add new member tag to UDT Definition

Add "New Tag 1" as type Boolean with value = True to TESTUDT1

On add: No change at EngineRefresh TransmissionNew UDT member tag created under folder named as UDT Instance at Engine

Delete member tag from UDT Definition

Delete "New Tag 1" from TESTUDT1

On delete: Engine will mark the tag as Bad_NotFoundRefresh TransmissionNo change at Engine
Delete tag at EngineTag deleted at Engine

Delete a member tag from a UDT Definition and add one with the same name in the same hierarchy position

Delete "New Tag" from TESTUDT1

Add "New Tag" as type Boolean with value = True

On delete: Engine will mark the tag as Bad_NotFound

On add: No change at Engine

Refresh TransmissionUDT member tag will be configured with new properties under folder named as UDT Instance at Engine

Add a Child UDT definition to a UDT Definition

Add TestUDT/t4Instance as type T4

On add: No change at Engine

Refresh TransmissionNew folder and member tags created at Engine named as the new Child UDT instance under the folder named as UDT Instance

Delete a Child UDT definition from a UDT definition

Delete TestUDT/t4Instance

On delete: Engine will mark all tags under the Child UDT folder as Bad_NotFound

Delete tags at Engine

Tags deleted at Engine

Delete a Child UDT definition from a UDT definition and add one in the same hierarchy position with the same name and tag folder structure

Delete TestUDT/t3Instance with type T3

Add TestUDT/t3Instance as type T3

On delete: Engine will mark all tags under the Child UDT folder as Bad_NotFound

On add: Engine will mark all the tags under the Child UDT folder as Good quality

No action required

Delete a Child UDT definition from a UDT definition and add one in the same hierarchy position with the same name and a different tag folder structure

Delete TestUDT/t3Instance with type T3

Add TestUDT/t3Instance as type T4

On delete: Engine will mark all tags under the Child UDT folder as Bad_NotFound

On add: No change at Engine

Delete tags at Engine before Transmission refresh is performed

New folder and member tags are created at Engine following the hierarchy of the Child UDT instance 

Refresh Transmission without deleting tags at Engine

New folder and member tags are created at Engine following the hierarchy of the Child UDT instance.

Original tags are left with a quality of Bad_NotFound

Delete a child UDT definition member tag (this deletes the Child UDT definition from the parent UDT definition)

Delete TestUDT/t3Instance/t3Tag1

On delete: Engine will mark all tags under the Child UDT folder as Bad_NotFound

Delete tags at Engine

Tags deleted

Delete a child UDT definition member tag (this deletes the Child UDT definition from the parent UDT definition) and recreate with the same name and tag structure

Delete TestUDT/t3Instance with type T3

Add Test/UDT/t3Instance as type T3

On delete: Engine will mark all tags under the Child UDT folder as Bad_NotFound

On add: engine will mark all tags under the Child UDT folder as Good quality

No action required

Delete a child UDT definition member tag (this deletes the Child UDT definition from the parent UDT definition) and recreate with the same name and different tag structure

Delete TestUDT/t3Instance with type T3

Add TestUDT/t3Instance as type T2

On delete: Engine will mark all tags under the Child UDT folder as Bad_NotFound

On add: No change at Engine

Delete tags at Engine before Transmission refresh is performed

New folder and members tags are created at Engine following the hierarchy of the Child UDT instance.

Refresh Transmission without deleting tags at Engine

New folder and member tags are created at Engine following the hierarchy of the Child UDT instance.

Original tags are left with a quality of Bad_NotFound


Action at EdgeResultActionResult

Add a UDT Instance

Add G1/E1/Instance2 with type T3

On add: No change at EngineTransmission RefreshInstance configured at Engine

Delete member tag of UDT Instance (this will delete the UDT Instance)

Delete G1/E1/D1/Instance1/New Tag

On delete: MQTT Engine marks all tags for the Instance as Bad_StaleDelete tags at EngineTags deleted at Engine
Refresh Transmission without deleting tags at EngineNo change at Engine

Delete UDT Instance

Delete G1/E1/D1/Instance1 with type TestUDT

On delete: MQTT Engine marks all tags for the Instance as Bad_StaleDelete tags at EngineTags deleted at Engine
Refresh Transmission without deleting tags at EngineNo change at Engine

Delete UDT Instance and add with the same name and UDT type

Delete G1/E1/D1/Instance1 with type TestUDT

Add G1/E1/D1/Instance1 with type TestUDT

On delete: MQTT Engine marks all tags for the Instance as Bad_Stale

On add: MQTT Engine will mark all tags for the Instance as Good quality

No action required

Delete UDT Instance and add with the same name and different UDT type

Delete G1/E1/D1/Instance1 with type TestUDT

Add G1/E1/D1/Instance1 with type T2

On delete: MQTT Engine marks all tags for the Instance as Bad_Stale

On add: No change at Engine

Delete tags at Engine before Transmission refresh is performed

Instance configured at Engine

Refresh Transmission without deleting tags at Engine

Instance tags show Bad_Stale at Engine

Various errors from for new tags in definition structure

Error processing edit for tag path '[MQTT Engine]Edge Nodes/G1/E1/D1/Instance1/t3folder/t3Inst/t3Tag1': Bad_Unsupported("The target path '[MQTT Engine]Edge Nodes/G1/E1/D1/Instance1/t3folder/t3Inst' cannot accept children tags.")

Error processing edit for tag path '[MQTT Engine]Edge Nodes/G1/E1/D1/Instance1/t2Tag1': Bad_Unsupported("The target path '[MQTT Engine]Edge Nodes/G1/E1/D1/Instance1' does not have item 't2Tag1' for overrides, and cannot accept children tags.")
