Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
# The IBSNOW instance friendly name. If ommitted, it will become 'IBSNOW-ec2-instance-id'
#ibsnow_instance_name = 

# The AWS region the target SiteWise instance is in - if commented out, the region will default to the region the IoT Bridge for AWS EC2 instance is in
#aws_sitewise_region = us-east-1

# The MQTT Server URL
mqtt_server_url = ssl://

# The MQTT Server name
mqtt_server_name = AWS IoT Core Server

# The MQTT username (if required by the MQTT Server)
#mqtt_username = 

# The MQTT password (if required by the MQTT Server)
#mqtt_password = 

# The MQTT keep-alive timeout in seconds
#mqtt_keepalive_timeout = 30

# The path to the TLS Certificate Authority certificate chain
mqtt_ca_cert_chain_path = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/AmazonRootCA1.pem

# The path to the TLS certificate
mqtt_client_cert_path = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/aa839ca9b62a7041aecffe79ddd9922286f12093444be8ac8098c2e1a53d00-certificate.pem.crt
# The path to the TLS private key
mqtt_client_private_key_path = /opt/ibsnow/conf/certs/aa839ca9b62a7041aecffe79ddd9922286f12093444be8ac8098c2e1a53d00-private.pem.key

# The TLS private key password
#mqtt_client_private_key_password =

# Whether or not to verify the hostname against the server certificate
#mqtt_verify_hostname = false

# The Sparkplug sequence reordering timeout in milliseconds
sequence_reordering_timeout = 5000

# Whether or not to block auto-rebirth requests
#block_auto_rebirth = false

# The primary host ID if this is the acting primary host
primary_host_id = IamHost

# The MQTT Client ID - It is recommend to not set this unless there is a specific reason to do so. If this is not set a random client ID will be automatically generated
#client_id =

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom client name for the connection (e.g. MyClient)
snowflake_streaming_client_name = MY_CLIENT

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - A custom channel name for the connection (e.g. MyChannel)
# If this is left blank/empty, Channel names of the Sparkplug Group ID will be used instead of a single channel
#snowflake_streaming_channel_name =

# Snowflake streaming connection properties - The Table name associated with the Database and Schema already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyTable)
snowflake_streaming_table_name = SPARKPLUG_RAW

# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Database name associated with the connection that is already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. MyDb)
snowflake_notify_db_name = cl_bridge_node_db

# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Schema name associated with the Database already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. PUBLIC)
snowflake_notify_schema_name = stage_db

# Snowflake notify connection properties - The Warehouse name associated with the notifications already provisioned in the Snowflake account (e.g. PUBLIC)
snowflake_notify_warehouse_name = cl_bridge_ingest_wh

# Whether or not to create and update IBSNOW infomational tracking metrics
# ibsnow_metrics_enabled = true

# The Sparkplug Group ID to use for IBSNOW asset names
ibsnow_metrics_sparkplug_group_id = IBSNOW Metrics

# Whether or not to send notification tasks to Snowflake based on incoming Sparkplug events
snowflake_notify_task_enabled = true

# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving an NBIRTH before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)
snowflake_notify_nbirth_task_delay = 10000

# The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving a DBIRTH or DATA message before notifying Snowflake over the event (requires snowflake_notify_task_enabled is true)
snowflake_notify_data_task_delay = 5000

Now, modify the file /opt/ibsnow/conf/snowflake_streaming_profile.json file. Set the following:

  • user
    • This must be 'IBSNOW_INGEST' based on the user we provisioned in Snowflake earlier in this tutorial
  • url
    • Replace 'ACCOUNT_ID' with your Snowflake account id. Leave the other parts of the URL the same.
  • account
    • Replace 'ACCOUNT_ID' with your Snowflake account id
  • private_key
    • Replace with the text string that is the private key you generated earlier in this tutorial
  • host
    • Replace 'ACCOUNT_ID' with your Snowflake account id. Leave the other parts of the hostname the same.
  • schema
    • Set this to 'stage_db' based on the scripts we previously used to provision Snowflake
  • database
    • Set this to 'cl_bridge_stage_db' based on the scripts we previously used to provision Snowflake
  • connect_string
    • Replace 'ACCOUNT_ID' with your Snowflake account id. Leave the other parts of the connection string the same.
  • warehouse
    • Set this to 'cl_bridge_ingest_wh' based on the scripts we previously used to provision Snowflake
  • role
    • Set this to 'cl_bridge_process_rl' based on the scripts we previously used to provision Snowflake

When complete, it should look similar to what is shown below.

Code Block
  "user": "IBSNOW_INGEST",
  "url": "",
  "account": "RBC48284",
  "private_key": "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",
  "port": 443,
  "host": "",
  "schema": "stage_db",
  "scheme": "https",
  "database": "cl_bridge_stage_db",
  "connect_string": "jdbc:snowflake://",
  "ssl": "on",
  "warehouse": "cl_bridge_ingest_wh",
  "role": "cl_bridge_process_rl"

Now the service can be restarted to pick up the new configuration. Do so by running the following command.
