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Now, set some values under the instance as shown below.

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At this point, our tags are configured. A UDT definition will map to a model in Snowflake and UDT instances in Ignition will map to Snowflake. But, before this will happen we need to point MQTT Transmission to AWS IoT Core. To do so, browse back to the Ignition Gateway Web UI and select MQTT Transmission → Settings from the left navigation panel as shown below.

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Now select the 'Transmitters' tab as shown below.

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Now click the 'edit' button to the right of the 'Example Transmitter'. Scroll down to the 'Convert UDTs' option and uncheck it as shown below. This will also un-grey the 'Publish UDT Defintions' option. Leave it selected as shown below.

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Then select the 'Servers' tab and 'Certificates' tab as shown below.

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Now upload the three certificate files that were acquired during the AWS IoT thing provisioning. Upload all three to the MQTT Transmission configuration. When done, you should see something similar to what is shown below.

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Now switch to the 'Servers' and 'Settings' tab. Delete the existing 'Chariot SCADA' pre-seeded MQTT Server Definition. Then create a new one with the following configuration.


When complete, you should see something similar to the following. However, the 'Connected' state should show '1 of 1' if everything was configured properly.

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At this point, data should be flowing into Snowflake. By tailing the log in IBSNOW you should see something similar to what is shown below. This shows IBSNOW receiving the messages published from Ignition/MQTT Transmission. When IBSNOW receives the Sparkplug MQTT messages, it creates and updates asset models and assets in Snowflake. The log below is also a useful debugging tool if things don't appear to work as they should.
